A Possible Crisis Averted.

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Mia yells from the lounge. Tanya comes running in as she could hear a tone to her voice she hasn't heard in a long time.

"What is it, love?"

"Look at this, it's on the front pages of every rag worldwide."

Tanya shouts for Joaquin, he comes running in and he asks?

"What the bloody hell is going on? You know you could've whispered and i would've heard you. What is it?"

Tanya hands him the laptop, he looks at the headlines. Which stated, "Undeniable Proof Vampires Exist."

Grodan called Joaquin, he wanted an urgent meeting. They had to try and create some damage limitation. This blew any chance of story that Joaquin was going to give Tanya. Tanya read the article, from the reading it seemed that Marie had this in the works since she began researching the paranormal group or before? Tanya made a suggestion, something that he wasn't too quick to dismiss, that there's either a mole in legion or one among Grodan's family? Then there was Marie's family, she could've told them to release files she kept if she turns up missing? Joaquin went with the latter, but he told Grodan of my concerns, then he had the head of legion to put every member through a lie detector. Grodan would do the same, he knew he had the technology.

Joaquin gathered his household, each went one at a time for lie detectors. Tanya and Mia voluntarily went, he told them it wouldn't be necessary but to clear up doubt, he would likely give her his story or not. Tanya realised how selfish she sounded, if the vampires are exposed, then her friends Rhys and Damon will be exposed. A few hours later, Grodan called and told Joaquin that he hasn't found any in his family. Joaquin informed him that he's just about wrapping up his. The polygraph expert in the house came and told him that the entire house was clean. Joaquin called Grodan back, we need to call our friends in the media, they didn't look as though they had actual proof. Joaquin called a friend that's been to his house for parties, he needed to meet him to find out what they knew?

The friend was an editor of a top Spanish newspaper, they had printed the story but his paper didn't put it on the first page. The friend Eduardo arrived immediately, he came in nervous, Joaquin had always compelled him to forget what he seen. Joaquin compelled him to tell him all the information that his newspaper and others have received as proof?

"There's not much there, Joaquin. I do sense there is more, why would a leading UK journalist print it? It would ruin their career if it's untrue?"

"Eduardo, who is this leading journalist?"

"Michael Parks. He has been here at your fiestas."

"Ah yes. I remember. That man is a close friend of Maries. I remember now. If you hear anything about evidence, call me immediately."

Eduardo told him that he would keep his ear to the ground. Joaquin asked Tanya and Mia did they want a trip home for a few days? Tanya told him that she's willing to do anything for him. The couple quickly packed and they were getting panicked calls from Damon and Rhys. Tanya calmed him down by telling him they're off to the UK to see a journalist. Damon must've said it aloud, Rhiannon came on the phone.

"Don't let Joaquin go to the UK, it's a trap. Marie has had this planned for about twenty years. If Joaquin lands in the UK, there would be a team there waiting to snatch him."

Joaquin takes the phone from Tanya, he demands to know what how she knows. Rhiannon and Morgan have been away from the family for years.

"Joaquin, that idiot Emilio thought i never understood Spanish. I overheard them talking about a twenty year failsafe, just before all was taken from them."

"How am i supposed to find out what they know?"

"God, Joaquin. You're as dumb as Emilio. You have a live in witch. To find out what they know, Tanya can find out."

Joaquin wished her goodbye and that he would be in touch. Joaquin turned to Tanya and asked if she would be able to link herself to Michael Parks?

"Of course, or we could use Damon? He can hack. We would have the information. Marie wouldn't have been smart enough to make copies and if she has, Damon would find out. I would be the one to locate them via magick?"

"Call Damon and get him over here. I've already texted him after thinking about things. Damon is on his way."

"Tanya, if he's that efficient tell him to get started on the way here."

"Joaquin, there's no doubt in my mind he's already started. All he needs is a laptop and some software. Which i know he has."

Joaquin paced and paced until Damon was finally there. Damon came with good news, he was able to break into both computers, his personal computer and his work computer. Michael only had one copy, he sent all the information as a PDF to his colleagues worldwide. Damon informed him it's not the principle copy, he managed to pull some metadata from the information, there's two copies outstanding. Joaquin called Grodan to help him and his legion track down everyone of Maries family. Tanya overheard and told him it wouldn't be necessary. Tanya needed a drop of blood, Damon would need to be the donor, as he was turned by Marie's blood very recently. The bloodline although it came from Joaquin, it lived in Marie for over six hundred years.

Damon made his offering and Tanya got to work, she put intention into the location spell and it was to find two outstanding thumb drives. Tanya located them, they were in the castle. Tanya was about to call Rhiannon to get them, but Joaquin wanted Tanya and Mia to go and get them. Tanya and Mia were driven to the airfield and on their way to Spain. While the couple were away, Joaquin asked Damon to destroy the thumb drive from there, he had to ask was it possible? Damon told him as long as the computer is on and it's in it, then he should be able to send some sort of virus to computer to destroy any data in it and what's attached to it. Damon sends the virus, he also sent viruses to every recipient of the data. Damon then had something to say to Joaquin.

"By doing that, we have only confirmed the story true."

"Joven, I've been on this planet for four thousand years. Humans have never believed in our species. The bad movies about us, have certainly put the nail in that coffin. There was too much information for them to have scientists to poke around. I also know in the information, Marie left clues to who we are. I'm protecting the species."

"You're right Joaquin. What are you going to do about the Jones'?"

"We will determine that when Tanya and Mia get back."

Joaquin again paced up and down until Tanya and Mia returned. Their flight touched down in Spain, the couple found the thumb drives and on the way back, Mia had a laptop as Damon told her what to look for. Mia slipped it into the laptop and connected remotely with Damon, who browsed all what was on it, these thumb drives had much more on them. Names, dates and places of every vampire home in the world. Joaquin was furious but relieved at the same time. Joaquin's problem was the Jones's and now Michael Parks. Michael will have learned his computer was hacked, Joaquin needs to see Michael now.

Joaquin ordered Eduardo to send for Michael on the pretense that he knew about the vampires and has the other thumb drives. There was nothing on earth that could stop a vampires compulsion, unless Marie secretly found something?

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