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The group settled in, they loved the house. The windows were finally up. Mia watched as Ben and his team left the house. Bens team had no sooner drove away, a van slips down the driveway, then a car with blacked out windows and a woman got out dressed in what looked like mourning wear. The weather was dry, yet she carried an umbrella, she quickly got into the house. The removal van men began offloading all the furniture, boxes and a very strange looking crate. Mia couldn't get to see what was inside through the binoculars, but the men struggled with its weight. As the men carried in the huge crate, the woman, could be seen at the downstairs window, her veil up, her face pale but lips as red and roses.

The woman began taking off her hat, her blonde tumbling locks fell softly to her shoulders. Mia couldn't believe how beautiful she is. The woman turned her back and Mia believed she was directing the men to place the furniture in the places she wanted it. The van was soon empty, the men left. Mia counted seven going in, only six came out. Then suddenly he came running out of the house and the van sped off. This fact didn't confirm for her that the woman was a vampire, but how the man left concerned her.

Mia took that night and began watching until Tanya begged her to come to bed. Mia declined and watched. That night the woman came out, she wandered the gardens, smelling the flowers she felt freer in the night. Tanya was begging Mia to get some rest, so she set up a camera to watch the house for the rest of the night.

Tanya needed to be at uni for lectures, she was up and away early. Tanya didn't look at the footage. Mia woke up after she left and watched the footage, around 0:4:30am, the woman was sitting in a chair drinking what looked like red wine, but closer she looked, it didn't look like a fine liquid. Mia went and looked for the others, they looked at the footage and seen something she missed, the woman didn't pour it from a bottle, she poured it from a flask. Was this the blood of the man that fled from her house? Mia didn't see him injured but he could've been and they all missed it.

Damon told Mia that, the flask could've contained wine, that the footage isn't proof. Mia knew he was right, it could've been. Rhys however had a different opinion, he told everyone to watch how she licked her lips after each sip. To Rhys it seemed like she was savouring every sip. It was now around 11:00am, the woman was up and there was someone with her, a little boy and another woman, they were looking out the window, the child looked around nine or ten and the other woman was around the same age. The sun was shining that day, surely a boy of his age, would've been out exploring his new surroundings. Mia was determined to sit and watch with Damon as it was his shift to see if the boy went outside?

The time was now 1:00pm, the boy or the women were nowhere to be seen. Then the boy was seen at an upstairs window gazing out into the garden, he had a pale complexion too, he also looked sad. The sky soon became overcast, the women came outside dressed the same way, veils, gloved and holding parasols. They walked hand in hand around the garden and the young boy was looking down at them with deep sadness in his face.

The women went back inside and as they did a car arrived, it's driver left a box on the doorstep. The women picked up the box and brought it inside. The driver swiftly left. Mia hadn't eaten anything yet, but Rhys was cooking, she went down and fetched the food that Rhys was making, bringing up a plate for Damon.

As Mia was walking upstairs Damon shouted for her.

"Mia you gotta see this, i have the camera rolling."

"What is it?"

"The boy is drinking the same liquid. You might be right."

"Oh my god."

Mia asked if they had a camera that zooms in closer that isn't grainy? Rhys told her that they had a long range camera, that will zoom in for perfect pictures. Damon ate his food quickly, leaving the camera rolling. Mia went back to the window with the camera and zoomed in. The women were in bed making love, Mia stopped from watching further as she wouldn't want anyone watching herself and Tanya. The boy was at the downstairs window looking out, it was evident he wanted to be outside.

Mia looked in the camera again and the couple were finished, their bed empty. The boy was dressed in a pair of gloves, a hat and his face covered, he was then outside playing. The boy was running around, then he got on his bike, the boy fell off it. His hat came off, the first woman to the house came out, hurriedly put his hat on and he played for a while longer until what we described as his mother call him inside. The house was too far away to hear the boys name. The boy was upset, his mother tried to comfort him and he threw her hand away.

Damon then said something interesting.

"According to lore, aren't vampires forbidden from turning children?"

"That's what I've read. Yet this boy will remain in this way forever."

"We are not even sure they're vampires yet, Mia."

"Is there a way we can find out?"

"Yes, Damon. We watch and we wait."

Tanya was due back, but she decided to stay at their home for a few nights
as her bosses want her to take on extra lectures. Mia was relieved a little as that meant she could watch through the night. Rhys and Damon begged her to get some sleep, but she declined and had Rhys sit with her and watch until she felt tired. Mia was soon very sleepy, Rhys told her he would take over watching. In the night, around 0:2:00am an influx of cars arrived, Rhys wasn't sure how to approach this, but he didn't want to wake Mia, but she heard the camera and woke up. Rhys showed her the footage, they both watched many people dressed similarly to the women walking in.

Tanya called as she had a call from Damon, she asked for any evidence to be sent to her to have a look over. Rhys sent her everything they had. Tanya emailed telling them it wasn't enough yet, that she will be home soon and that she has a plan. The plan is yet to be revealed, but Mia knows Tanya well, she will probably go and make herself known to the women. It'll be their only way in. Mia begged Tanya to come home soon, to which she told her that she'll be home by tomorrow evening.

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