All Back Together Again.

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Days passed since Rhys left, he did however uncover the deleted footage. Rhys called Tanya who was at uni, Tanya asked him to send her the footage. Tanya was shocked, she was also fearful, her girlfriend and the others were sharing a house with a vampire. Tanya can't even use the video as proof, she needed to talk to Ben. Tanya wasn't supposed to be home, but she drove back as soon as she finished her lectures. Tanya called Mia to a place where Ben couldn't hear them, Mia made an excuse that she was meeting Tanya to make love. Tanya showed Mia the footage. Mia was gobsmacked, she even asked if she believed this to be proof? Tanya explained that the footage could be dismissed as a film. They need to watch Ben. Mia admitted that she might believe Rhys, Mia explained.

"Babe, Rhys has never fictionalised anything before. Why would he now?"

"That's true, he's always been on the level. He's never walked away from the group ever and things have got heated with us before, you remember the Edinburgh Vaults?"

"Indeed, i thought he was going to kill Damon. The other thing is, if Ben is? He's married, he has children, a business and he usually wants to nip and see them. Ben hasn't called his wife since coming out of Marie's house."

"I've noticed. Let's just keep an eye on him. Also Rhys said he heard his heartbeat, so we need to keep calm around him. Don't give him room to suspect we know. That woman could make him turn us?"

The couple stayed in their car for a while then drove back. Ben was seen coming away from his car shoving something in his coat. Mia and Tanya didn't question it. Mia and Tanya greeted him as they always did. Ben asked if he could go to sleep for a bit as all the Rhys trouble has troubled his mind somewhat. While he was outside, Damon put a hidden camera in his room.

Ben went up to his room, he got on the internet and searched for someone that knew about blood that can't tolerate the sun. It was after he found only doctors in the US, that he asked Tanya. Damon called her telling her that he wanted to speak with her first. Tanya said she would. Damon took out his phone to type what he wanted to say to her. Tanya in turn took out hers.

"What is it Damon? He wrote down "I've hidden a camera in the room, watch this."

"Let's see"

Tanya watched the video of Ben on the internet drinking blood on his bed. Tanya wrote down what she could see Ben typing.

"Keep calm around him. If he's a vampire, he will sense fear and he would hear your heartbeat when you're lying to him. Act normal."

"I will, Tanya."

"Also send it to, Mia."

Tanya was wondering why he was searching for blood doctors. Tanya looked at all the lore she studied and it's said that if a vampire family have tainted blood, they can't perform outside tasks, they live in the shadows. The tempered glass and the wood was a clue. If any of the family had an issue with another, they would use the wood from the house they owned to kill each other. Tanya read further that if their blood is tainted it means they've been cursed by a witch. The witch would only do this if he or she felt the family was a danger to society. The truth about procreation isn't solid, but lore says they can't procreate. Tanya soon realised the child most definitely might be human. Tanya began digging into the family's history. Tanya soon found the original deeds to the house, it belonged to a woman named Marie Jones. The woman of that house is named Marie. Tanya thought about the woman she shared her bed with, her blood wouldn't be diluted if she's not related, so it's highly likely Marie turned the woman after she gave birth?

Mia also had the same thoughts. Mia also thought did Marie know about them before they moved into the house? Tanya agreed with this thought. Rhys called and told Mia that he's coming back. That he will make Ben believe that he won't tell anyone.

Ben finally came out of his room, he was asking why is it so quiet in the house? Tanya explained that she was tired, Mia also told him that she was tired. Ben offered to cook them all a meal? Damon burst out of the room and asked?

"What ya cookin' good lookin'?"

"What has you chirpy?"

"Well, once we finish this Layla has asked me back as long as she can come on investigations with us?"

"Happy for you man, i have always liked Layla. I'm making sweet and sour chicken. It's Tanya's favourite."

"Sounds good."

"I also want back in Tanya's good books. I also need to apologise to Rhys. He texted me, he told me he's coming back."

"All the gang back together again."

It was a very tense meal, but everyone sat around and joked about all previous investigations. Ben told the others he'll do the washing up. As Tanya handed over her plate she told the others to leave as she wants to speak to him alone. Ben sits down and Tanya sits next to him, she tells him.

"I know you've been treated like a pariah around here, it's been unfair. If there's anything you'd like to talk about, I'm here for you?"

"It's fine, I'm over it. There is one thing though. Marie told me her family has a blood disorder, which is why they can't go out in the sun, do you know of anyone that would like to help them?"

"What type of blood disorder? Can't they go to a doctor?"

"They have tried, but it's failed."

"Would Marie talk to me, if i asked her what they're going through?"

"I think she might?"

"We shall head over tomorrow. I'd like to understand the depths of her blood disorder. There could be someone at uni that might understand and be able to help."

"Brilliant, that little boy is indoors in all the time. It's not fair to him."

Tanya agreed with all Ben asked and they plan over the next few days to go and meet with them. Ben was relieved since Marie had orchestrated their entire being in the location.

Rhys came in the night, he didn't want to refuse to sleep in the same room as Ben. Rhys came and unpacked his stuff, he grabbed a quick bite to eat while Tanya called him to explain that they're all visiting the house tomorrow. Rhys might have a hidden motive to go. The group knew each other well, Tanya whispered to Mia that she believes that Rhys has an alternative motive for coming back. Mia disagreed. Tanya was wondering what? Tanya came up with two reasons, to either expose the family or that he wants to be turned?

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