A Man, Two Women, A Funeral And A Baby.

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Mia couldn't get Jose out of her head. When she and Tanya made love, she imagined it being him. Tanya for some reason found how she made love differently, she explained it as feeling more relaxed and feeling at home finally. Tanya didn't expect a thing, Mia and Tanya continued on with their lives as best they could. Mia needed to tell someone about Jose, she went to see Joaquin. Tanya was busy learning dead languages, she was distracted.

Mia knocked on Joaquin's study, where he was completing paperwork. Joaquin using two fingers giving her the ok to come in. Joaquin looks up, he could tell she had something to confess. Joaquin invited her to sit down and she sat on the chair at the left of his desk. Mia holding her head in her hands, she looks at him and tells him she did exactly what he never her wanted to do. Joaquin knew, he shook his head and told her that she must come clean.

"I can't Joaquin, she will be devastated."

"You'll have to, Jose won't keep that to himself. I know him. There's a good chance he's told his country club pals already. Then it'll get back to Tanya. Do you want her to find out secondhand?"

"No of course not. I can't get him out of my head either. I've never, well you know with a man before. What is it with him?"

"You tell me, he's always been an incorrigible little jerk as far as I'm concerned. You could do better, in fact you have better."

Mia wasn't satisfied with how Joaquin described Jose. Mia needed to see him again, it was her only desire. Mia asked herself, how could she have contact with him again? It turned out it was a legion members birthday, she seen this occasion marked in the diary that only legion members are privy to. Mia began recounting all the rules and regulations they discussed. They hold parties for legion members. Mia spoke with the legion treasurer, she told them to organise a get together for the member and make sure Jose and Alice were on the invite list. As Mia a legion member has rights to do this, she coerced the treasurer to start sending out the invitations as soon as possible. Mia also had the authority to do this without the permission of Joaquin, one of the perks of being a member.

The invites were sent out electronically on the spot. Mia was proud of herself, she never felt guilt once, she didn't love Jose, but she was deeply attracted to him. Mia went to see Joaquin who was on the phone with Jose, she could hear his voice clearly, the very voice that made her submit in that moment. Jose tried to tell Joaquin he couldn't make it as he and Alice had plans, but he convinced him to send Alice alone on the plans they made. Jose reluctantly agreed.

Mia then felt sick, it overcame her suddenly, Mia ran to a nearby bathroom and threw up. Mia was wondering why she was feeling sick? A vampire isn't to get sick, was it nerves and her heightened emotions? Mia forgot about the sickness until she reminded herself about Rhiannon and Morgan and the birth of Rhys. Mia began freaking out, was she pregnant? How would a vampire find out. Mia realised that a vampire could hear a heartbeat. Mia wondered who she could trust with this situation? Mia decided to leave it a few days to find out, in fact she decided on waiting on until after the party.

As the worrying days passed, Mia became very estranged from Tanya. The excuse she had was Tanya was stuck with her head in books. The party was fast approaching, it was soon that very day. Legion was preparing for the party and the first to arrive was Jose. Jose spotted Mia and nodded for her to come to him. Mia was excited, but also nervous. Jose pulled her into a soundproof room.

"You orchestrated this party, didn't you?"

"I did. I needed to see you."

"I'm a married man, Mia. You're in a relationship. You're new, you don't know how to control..."

Jose couldn't finish his sentence, he hunkered down and placed his ear at Mia's belly, he stood back.

"You can't be? This can't be possible?"

"It's possible, Rhys was born to Rhiannon and Morgan. You're going to be a father."

Jose fled out of the room. Mia slumped in a corner crying. The couple had sex just a few weeks ago. How can he have heard a heartbeat? Unless vampire born babies grow faster? Mia shook herself off and went in search of Jose and she didn't find him, but she ran smack into Joaquin.

"My office now. Jose has told me you're pregnant. This certainly throws a spanner in the works of this family. Jose has been married to Alice for almost a thousand years. That said, this makes you one of the most important people in this family. Jose needs to tell Alice, you need to tell Tanya. There will be a meeting between all five of us. This will happen before the party tonight. I've ordered Alice to come here now."

Mia wandered the halls, she seen Tanya going into the office, Alice had arrived. Jose was already inside and Joaquin sent a maid for Mia to come immediately. Tanya didn't understand what was going on. Joaquin ordered Mia to sit down. Mia sat down and he began.

"Mia is pregnant, Jose is the father."

"What? How could you, both of you?"

"Alice i am sorry. When i was being inaugurated, i seen his picture and had to know him. I never seen a man so beautiful ever. I have never been with a man before."

"You do realise that it's not the problem you guys made out, it's the fact he's never got me pregnant. He's cheated before. You'll be treated like royalty around here and I've been here much longer than you."

Joaquin asks Tanya if she has anything she needs to say. Tanya looks at Mia and tells her that she already knew. That Mia has been different for a while. Tanya requested space to get her head around it. Joaquin excused her. Mia began to feel guilty at the look in Tanya's eyes. Joaquin told Mia that he needs to make sure that she's definitely pregnant. Joaquin informed her that a legion member is a doctor and will be here tonight and he will confirm it.

Alice and Jose left the room together, but soon after went their separate ways. Alice apparently left the house and the doctor weirdly was the next to arrive. Joaquin asked him to take Mia and confirm her pregnancy. The doctor led her to a room beside Joaquin's study, he examined her and he confirmed she was pregnant.

The others arrived, they began the party in the guesthouse. Joaquin ordered that Mia and Jose keep their distance until he comes up with a plan to merge the couples in some way? Unless Tanya doesn't want anything to do with her anymore? Joaquin's orders were broken, Jose and Mia were talking and decided that they should raise the baby as a foursome, if Tanya agreed. Jose also asked did she still love Tanya. Mia told him that she does and that she's deeply attracted to her baby's father he informed her he's attracted to her, but adores his wife.

The party wasn't cut short at this moment when Joaquin walked in, he urged Jose to come near him. Jose began sobbing loudly, he looked towards Mia with scorn and she followed him to where Joaquin was giving him terrible news. Mia demanded to know what has transpired? Jose angrily states.

"She's fucking dead."

"Who is dead?"

"Who do you think? Alice. My wife of a thousand years. You happy now?"

"Of course I'm not happy. Why would she do this?"

"Because i gave you something she has desired for a thousand years. I need to go. I will be back we need to talk."

Jose fled from the house, the legion members learned of Alice's death. They played an ode to her at the end of the evening. Joaquin was angry, even though he didn't like Alice, not many did. The fact that Jose cheated and got a new vampire and legion member pregnant. Mia had to face Tanya. Tanya unexpectedly came and held Mia and tells her she would happily raise this baby with her. Tanya assured her that the relationship would take a bit of time to repair. Joaquin wrapped up the party and went to see Jose and helped him make plans for Alice's funeral.

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