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The revelations of the last few days had settled after the burial of Alice. The unsurprising thing was the fact she had a very little turnout, many didn't like her and they were glad she took her own life. Jose and Joaquin were not, she was family to them. Jose was inconsolable, but as Mia could read his thoughts, Jose was excited for the upcoming new life to enter his. Mia's pregnancy was progressing, at six weeks pregnant, she shouldn't be showing but she had a little bump in her very thin tummy. Jose was listening to his baby's heartbeat from afar and it gave him courage to push forward with his life. The event caused a rift but it elevated Mia to a higher status within the family. Tanya forgave her, she promised she would be by her side for all of it and beyond as long as there was still hope for their future? Mia confirmed that she wouldn't ever leave her for a man, let alone Jose. The future would be unconventional for all of them, but truth be told with two of them vampires and a witch it's an unconventional life to begin with.

After the funeral, Jose came and asked Mia to stay away from him for a while, until he moved on from this tragic moment in his life. Mia agreed, he touched her tummy and whispered.

"I can't wait to see you."

Jose slowly moved his hand away from her stomach and walked away with tears in his eyes. Mia decided to focus on rebuilding her life with Tanya. Tanya had lots of questions mostly pertaining how she felt after and during her tryst with Jose. Mia was frank with her, she told her that she enjoyed it and when she made love to her she imagined it was him. Tanya began to understand vampirism for the first time. Tanya expected this to perhaps happen again, she told Mia in no uncertain terms, that if she does stray again she would be taking on a lover. Mia looked sad at this, she understood where she was coming from. Tanya began looking into prenatal care, she seen that Mia was showing as with a human pregnancy this wouldn't be the case. Tanya asked Joaquin to have a doctor come weekly until the birth?

"It's already in motion. My doctor will be her OBGYN until she goes into labour. You're a wonderful woman Tanya. I don't think i would be so forgiving."

"I love her Joaquin, she's been the love of my life for sixteen years. This baby could be the making of us. I'll be honest, it was never a part of our plans to be mothers. I guess this was meant to be. I am so sorry about Alice though."

"I know she wasn't liked, but I'll be honest she was a good person deep down. That's why she and Jose went the distance. Jose has cheated on her many times before. What women see in him is beyond me?"

"I'll be honest after meeting him, i see the attraction. He's that epitome of masculinity, his dark brown eyes and those Latin looks. Very much a beautiful model of a man."

Joaquin laughs, he begs that Tanya doesn't go after him too. Tanya laughed in return and retorted she wouldn't dream of it. Tanya just confirmed that she would see the pregnancy through. Joaquin called Jose, to ask him was wanting to be there for doctors appointments?

"No pops, all appointments I'll attend will be for scans to make sure the baby is ok? Pops, how did Rhiannon and Morgan's baby progress?"

Joaquin tells him he didn't know, that Rhiannon and Morgan had outside help. Jose asks for Rhiannon's phone number as he would like to speak to her. Joaquin gives him the number. Jose hangs up with Joaquin and calls Rhiannon.

"Hello, it's Jose. Can you answer some questions for me?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Mia is pregnant, we had a tryst and the baby is the result. Can you tell me what to expect for Mia, Tanya and my pops, please?"

"Sure. When i got pregnant with Rhys, i had the help of a witch from Norway. It was because i was feeling sick a lot, vampires are not supposed to get sick. I began showing early, the pregnancy progressed quickly. The witch told me that vampire pregnancies are not like human pregnancies. Our bodies produce everything faster. I would suggest by the time shes six months gone, she will be ready to give birth. If i were you, i would be at every appointment, this will probably the last time you'll both ever get to experience this."

"Thank you, Rhiannon. I'll do my best to be there for her."

Rhiannon got off the phone, she asked did everyone hear that? Rhys and Damon were in shock, they all wanted to see Mia and Tanya as soon as possible. Rhiannon called Joaquin to request permission to come up to the house? Joaquin told her that she can as this house needs light in it. It's been thick with oppression. There's been like a bomb that went off, it's settling down but as someone that's been through it, you're the best person to help her. Rhiannon came off the phone and began packing for a long stay in Austria.

Joaquin decided on not telling Tanya or Mia, that their friends are on their way. Mia could read Joaquin's thoughts, he stayed out of her way for most of the day. It was around 10pm, when Rhiannon, Morgan, Rhys and Damon to come in. Mia heard the snarky tone of Damon and she dropped what she was doing and ran downstairs, she hugged them all. Tanya followed closely behind, she internally told herself, that bright lights have now lifted the feeling of oppression have lifted, Joaquin had the same thoughts.

Rhiannon could hear the baby's heartbeat, she told Mia that the baby is a strong one. Morgan confirmed what she thought. The baby was strong. Rhys looks to his mother, he asks.

"Did father hear me inside of you?"

"He did, that's what made us know you were in there. We didn't come to the family due to Marie's troubles, we had a witch look after us."

"Why are you guys here? Well, we were summoned. Joaquin wants us here until the baby is born. I think Jose will also need to be here?"

"What makes you say that, Rhiannon?"

"He called me Joaquin. This pregnancy won't last as long as a human pregnancy. If he missed appointments, he will miss out in vital moments that he will regret not having."

"I see. I hope he listened. He's a scoundrel as everyone knows."

No sooner had Joaquin uttered those words, Jose came in with his bags and asked for a room. Joaquin was delighted, it's the first time in his life he's ever taken responsibility for anything. Joaquin called for a servant to fix him a room. Rhiannon knew that Mia and Tanya was in her old room. Rhiannon asked for the room next to theirs. Joaquin again asked staff to fix a room for them and the lads. Joaquin gave out instructions for meal and feeding schedules to be made up. Joaquin likes to feed alone, but enjoys breakfast with a group of people. Things were beginning to look a little brighter for the family.

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