Untold History.

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A week passed since Rhys' and Damon's transition. The pair have been holed up in Rhys' apartment, they have been learning self control. Ben and Tanya called frequently and the pair said they've only ever been out at night to feed. Tanya queried further with Damon.

"What do you mean you only go out at night to feed, Damon?"

"We have been struggling, Rhys can't go out in the day and the sun is affecting him."

"Is it as bad as Marie was?"

"Yes, his skin bubbles up."

"Rhys must be a distant relative of hers? It's the only thing that's plausible as both you and Ben are fine."

"That's what we thought and we are looking into his ancestry."

"Keep me updated, oh and one more thing you're not feeding from humans are you?"

There was a pause, then Damon confirmed they were. Damon reassured Tanya that the people they feed from donate their blood. In fact they bring them home and have parties with them. Tanya explained that she is concerned about this, that the people they're feeding from are using them to be turned. Damon laughed.

"What's so funny? Ah you don't know, they don't remember who we are when we approach them the next night."

"That means you're compelling them to forget you. You're either doing it with or without your own knowledge? Do you know what compulsion is?"

"I guess, i think we are forcing them to forget through mind control?"

Tanya confirmed it was, she told Damon to stock up on blood bags and never to feed from a human again. Damon queried what do they do with Rhys, he hasn't been at work for a week now, his rent needs to be paid as do his other bills. Tanya informed Damon that she will try and come over on Thursday and use the same spell on Rhys, she also told them to continue to connect him to Marie. Damon swore that he would go to the hospital and stock up and wait until Thursday to do the spell.

Later that evening, for the last time they fed. They didn't invite the people back, but they went on a different kind of hunt, a relative hunt. The results showed something irregular to Rhys, he believed his parents to be his parents but they weren't, he was adopted. The result of which fried his head, he exploded with rage and for the first time he seen what he was. Rhys' face scared him, he calmed down using the techniques that Tanya wrote down for them both. The next morning Damon went and got some blood from the hospital. Rhys called him on the way home, he found his birth parents, a friend of his works in Social Services and got him the names of his parents. They were from Anglesey, their names were Morgan and Rhiannon Jones. Rhys freaked out at the address, it was the house they were watching. Damon drove home at high speeds almost breaking the speed limits.

Damon rushed upstairs to the apartment, Rhys was sitting in the dark in shock. Rhys was babbling and crying saying...

"How could they not have told me?"

"They should have, especially as you got older and that time when you were hospitalised, they couldn't get to the bottom of what was making you sick. They must not have known Morgan and Rhiannon's health background?"

"We need to find them Damon, i need to know where i came from? Now I've became this. The other thought was, did they know of their ancestors? When did they move out of that house?"

"The only person to know that is Ben. He renovated the house remember? He will know when it was last lived in and remember, Marie and the rest of them didn't return until it was?"

Rhys finally calmed down after feeding. Damon called Ben, he asked him was there signs of previous or recent occupants of the house before he began renovating it?

"Come to think of it, when the team and i got there, the heating was on, the electric was still on. There was also fresh food in the fridge. Why?"

"There's something Rhys and i are trying to discover."

Ben asked how they're getting on? Damon told him of the latest discovery. Ben informed him that if he needed his help on anything, that he will do all he can. Rhys overheard and thanked Ben. Ben called Tanya and told her that he had learned his parents are related for definite to Marie. Tanya questioned herself and she even brought Mia into the conversation. Mia told them that they would both come over.

Mia and Tanya arrived at the apartment and it smelled disgusting. They weren't disposing of the blood bags and there was alcohol and women's clothing strewn over the apartment. Tanya looked around.

"You could've cleaned up boys."

"We will we have been preoccupied with, Rhys' issues. Wait, this is Wednesday night. If you stay until after midnight, you can cast that spell on Rhys? Would you?"

"Yes, however we need to find your parents. As they will know where Marie is. Mia and i have looked all over the world. Given she's over six hundred years old, she will have a few tricks up her sleeve."

Mia set about cleaning up, it's her thing. Mia despises mess, even if the house isn't hers. Tanya sits down and looks at all the links Rhys and Damon made from the ancestry search. Tanya spotted something they completely missed. The Morgan and Rhiannon Jones that appeared on the chart, where perhaps his parents but the problem was, they were born in the late 1700's and vampires can't procreate. There must be another couple of the same name?

If the couple were his parents, they would've been at the house when they all visited, but those two names would've stuck out. The group needed to go back to Anglesey, Ben couldn't go, but he gave them the alarm codes and a blueprint of the house. Tanya insisted that evidence is in that house. Later that evening, it was past midnight. Tanya began the spell. Rhys needed to be healed of the terrible affliction. Tanya was sure that once he was healed that would prove further the connection to the family.

The spell was done, of course it couldn't be tested out until the next day. The four of them got into Tanya's car, they drove to a petrol station and filled the car for the two hour journey. Rhys began to feel strange as they approached Anglesey, he told the others that he felt like there was a pull there? Tanya asked him exactly what he felt?

"It's not what i felt Tanya. It's what i seen."

"What did you see?"

"A larger house, much bigger than the house that Ben renovated. Like a castle? Were those people, i mean the people I'm supposedly related to a part of the aristocracy?"

"It's possible Rhys. The land alone was vast. The house we rented may have been built on the land? I'm not sure, but we'll soon find out."

"When we get to the house we rented, you'll try and draw the castle you seen, it's rare such buildings are destroyed, unless there's severe structural damage. If we match one up in our research then it could either be a vision of the past or a castle that still exists?"

All four were tired, they were back where it all started but they refused to go into the house at night. They needed the light of the day to help them. Rhys explained to Tanya he was tired and he would draw the castle in the morning. Tanya suddenly had a thought, one she wouldn't share with anyone. Tanya thought that if lore was right, then Rhys would have a psychic connection to his blood relatives? It's probably the most plausible reason why he felt what he had and what he seen?

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