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After Ben and Tanya arrived home, that very night Marie drew the curtains. None of the group could see inside the house, the only time they seen them was when it was raining and out in the garden. The visit from Ben and Tanya must've spooked them that they may also know that the group is watching them from somewhere? Ben said there might be a way into the house?

"If they are vampires, their hearing will be sensitive, we write everything down about them and the house. We need motion lights outside the house. If they sense or smell us near, then we need to be ready."

"What about a way in, Ben? If they're what you all believe, then they'll hear and smell you?"

"We mask the smell, we get in when they're outside. I know the house inside out. There's a cellar. When they asked me to fix the errors i soundproof it, the walls are soundproofed, as well as the floor. To stop them hearing, i could pick up my oxygen tank as it lowers the heartbeat, they won't hear a thing."

"Wow. Come to think of it. I couldn't hear my own footsteps on the floor."

"Do it. We know they only come out during wet and overcast days, we know how many is in there. If we watch when all of them are out and watch the weather."

"We need input from the group first. We can't just decide this among each other."

"You're right. A meeting everyone as soon as possible?"

The group sits down, Mia is telling everyone that the plan needs to be foolproof. Mia explains if they are who they think they are, then Bens plan will fail. Rhys raises his hand.

"Why do you say that? I think Ben's idea is great."

"We don't know how old they are? If they're old, they're powerful. Marie said her family owned the house since the beginning. It's more than six hundred years old."

"Mia, there's a child there. If they're vampires why do they have a child? Vampires can't procreate."

"We put it to a vote then, hands up everyone if you're with Ben's plan? Or we watch and wait?"

All except Mia put their hand up. Mia wasn't happy with allowing Ben to waltz into a nest of vampires and unprepared for what he's up against. Ben was adamant that he was doing it. Ben told the group he'll watch the weather and the rest take notes of who's inside and who's not. The group decided to watch for a week. The weather was raining, Marie and her household was outside, they were playing in the mud. Ben decided now was the time to get inside the house.

Ben walked the long way around, he found a way through some bushes. Mia texted him to his phone that was on low vibration, it was to tell him they were all still outside. Ben found the cellar window, he slipped inside. Ben didn't bring the oxygen this time as they were all outside. Every two minutes Mia texted him to ensure him they were outside.

Ben made his way up the cellar stairs, he was now on the first floor. The first place he checked was the fridge. That first fridge only contained human food, but there was another, it contained blood bags. Ben took a picture, he sent it to the group. Ben made his way to the bedrooms, the phone vibrated again to assure him that they were still outside.

In the first room there was coffins, even a little one. They were definitely vampires, they were on their way back in. Mia texted again, Ben assumed that it was to confirm where they were. Ben ignored the text and kept on snooping. The phone vibrated again, this time he took it out of his pocket and tried to flee. The little boy caught him, he grabbed Ben by the leg and he held onto him until Marie and the others came in.

The others were curious to know why he was there? Ben tried to explain that he had left tools there, but they didn't believe him. A man named Emilio grabbed Ben, he forced him to drink his blood and he snapped his neck. Tanya and Mia were freaking out, eventually Ben came around. Asking what's happened to him? Marie was sitting at his side with a wine glass of blood. Ben was overcome with a hunger one he's never felt before, he tries to snatch the glass from her. Marie pulls it away laughing. Marie tells him that if he wants the glass then he must do something for her. Ben again tries to snatch the glass

"Ah, ah. Patience. You'll have this glass once you agree to do something for us covertly? Do it willingly or be compelled to do it? You choose, Ben?"

"I'll do it give me the glass."

Marie gives him the glass, he soon has the worst pain, he's writhing around in agony. Ben has completed the full transition. Ben in his mind has promised himself that he won't do Marie's bidding. Marie pulls him up and tells him welcome to the family. The phone begins to buzz, Marie tells him to answer it and to tell his friends he's safe, that he is trying to find a way out safely and he will be back as soon as he gets out.

The group was relieved to hear he was ok, they waited for his return. Marie tells Ben that he must keep his transition a secret.

"How, you guys can't go out in the daylight? They will know? Besides how am i supposed to feed?"

"We can go out in the daylight. Wait a minute how is it you see us out in the gardens?"

"We've drove by and seen you. You're all covered up. Why?"

"Well, we have a problem with our blood. It's because we are all related. You're not a blood relative. You will be able to walk around in the sun. To feed, you'll be able to go to a hospital blood bank and drink all you like."

"You do realise there are cameras everywhere in the hospitals these days?"

"I might be old Ben, but i have been to a hospital with my partner to give birth."

"Your partner? Is she a blood relative?"

"No, but she wears the coverings for our son. You must go now. I'm sure your friends will be worried about you."

Ben realised at that moment that his life has changed forever. The sun was out as he was leaving and Ben was scared. Marie asked him to try and find a solution for their situation. Ben realised several more things, the woman that Marie is with, is younger and probably pregnant when they met. The boy seemed strong but not with the same strength as a vampire. Leading him to the conclusion he is human. Ben also knew that Marie knows that he Tanya and the others are close by. To keep his secret, he must come up with a cover story as to why it took him so long to leave. Ben still held on to every morsel of humanity he has left, he doesn't want to hurt is friends.

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