Seeing The Light.

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The nightshift was coming to a close for Rhys and Mia, they were both tired. Rhys went to his room and Mia got into bed. The plan in her head was to wait for Ben and Tanya. Ben has an excuse to visit the house to check if the work was as the woman expected it. Tanya would have an excuse too, Tanya didn't just study parapsychology, she studied history and the house that she was watching is extremely old. The next morning, Ben arrived he listened as everyone was asleep, he began cooking breakfast. Tanya arrived a short time after, Ben had been talking with Tanya before they arrived, they have came up with a plan to get into the house without suspicions.

Ben added Tanya to his list of employees to make it look legitimate. The other part of the plan is to watch comings and goings for a week, then if they don't get proof, Ben and Tanya will enact their part of the plan. Tanya for the first since starting the team is open to anything.

"Why the sudden turn around, love?"

"There's something strange going on in that house. I want to be the first to prove that the after life exists and there's beings that exist beyond humans and animals."

"Wow, you should converse with Ben more, anything i say is washed away as mumbo jumbo."

"Don't be like that babe, i care for your opinions. I often don't see the forest for the trees. This house and the poltergeist activity in that other house has opened my mind. It's not just my conversations with Ben."

"You can take the nightshift, the group is exhausted. It's not like we can get frisky with men walking in and out of our room."

Tanya ate some food, while she and Ben took the nightshift. Ben couldn't believe his eyes, he compared from what he's looked at to how they're dressed now. They walked about the house in ordinary clothes, there was additional women and men. They were all drinking what looked like red wine, now even Tanya admits it looks like blood. Ben told Tanya that he felt that it was off from the moment he read the manifest and he deliberately kept the wooden frames and put in plain glass windows. Tanya of course told him that it didn't prove anything, but how they act isn't like what a normal group of people would act.

The week passed quickly, the group of people in the house they watched behaved in a way they hadn't seen before. There was one day, it was raining hard, the boy was out on his bike, no hat or face covering. The people were also out without hats and face coverings. It was bizarre. Ben and Tanya ate breakfast, then got into their car and drove the very short distance to the house.

Ben and Tanya were being watched closely by Mia, Damon and Rhys. If anything goes wrong they're there to call for help. Ben and Tanya exited the car, they knocked on the door. The pair patiently awaited for their arrival, the others watched as they scattered indoors and a very wet woman answered the door. Tanya held out her hand and she explained.

"Hi pleased to meet you. I work alongside Benjamin, i have came to make sure he's kept this property in the original condition. I know the property is over six hundred years old, i am apart of the historical department of The National Trust."

"Hello, my name is Marie, i know how old this property is, it's my ancestral home. Benjamin has done a wonderful job restoring it. Would you both like to come in and check on it?"

"Thank you, Marie. We would like that."

The others hovered in the background, but their eyes were on Tanya and Ben the entire time. Tanya walked around with her clipboard and began ticking a sheet she previously prepared. Tanya called for Marie to come and explain why she ripped up the original floors?

"Oh, i thought Benjamin might've told you. The wood is covered with plastic to preserve it. The wood was rotting away. The floor was the same we placed marble on it to preserve it."

"Surely that would fasten its deterioration?"

"We assumed that, but we researched it well. Benjamin applied a wood moisturiser and we placed a thin plastic coating over the wood and the marble floor has a two inch gap to allow the floor to breathe. I would've assumed Benjamin told you that?"

"He did Marie, but i want to make sure that it was carried out correctly."

"Very well, enjoy checking around."

The people in the background were speaking in hushed tones, all except the boy. The boy was complaining about not being able to play on his bike. A man could be overheard saying.

"Hush now Gregory. Once the humans leave we shall go out and play."

Marie could be seen looking towards the man, but the joys of working in a lecture hall, is that you can hear murmurs over the chatter of others. Tanya at the moment looked at Ben who didn't hear anything except what the boy said, she gave him a look to go once they checked upstairs. Tanya asked to be shown upstairs, but Marie wouldn't allow it. This very fact intrigued Tanya further. Benjamin asked if he could use the toilet?

"Sure, upstairs and to the right."

Benjamin seen through an open door, there was a room full of coffins, another door which had normal beds. Ben used the bathroom, then walked downstairs. Ben gave Tanya the code to leave. Tanya thanked Marie for letting her into her beautiful home and told her that she should reconsider taking the plastic off the door frames and lifting up the marble flooring. Marie told Tanya that she would consider it.

Tanya then got aggressive, she told her in a firm tone that she should definitely do it, to keep the house protected under National Trust status. Marie didn't like being told what to do. The grimace she had on her face was quite telling. Marie didn't introduce them to any of the others, which told her that Marie was definitely trying to protect something and it wasn't the wood. Marie asked Tanya had she finished?

"For now, but i hope you reconsider and remove the plastic and the flooring?"

"I'll definitely take it under consideration?"

"One more thing, who are all the people? All relatives?"

"My partner, our child and extended family. They're here for the house warming in a few days."

"Sounds good, please consider my recommendations. I hope to speak with you soon."

"We shall. Goodbye and safe drive home."

Tanya and Ben said their goodbyes. Ben waited until they were the car and off the property, Ben explains that he seen coffins in a room and actual bedrooms with actual beds. Tanya asked Ben did he take a picture?

"I did, look. These coffins look ancient. You heard them say something. What was it?"

"The boy asked to play on his bike, one of the men told him to wait until the humans left."

"Something cagey going on in that house for sure."

"I agree. I'll be on that house for as long as my body lets me."

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