Not Tonight.

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The sun was shining through the windows, Rhys didn't have to hide anymore, the spell worked. Rhys had a good feeling since his transition, then he suddenly remembered about all he's learned these past twenty four hours. The thought of being lied to his entire life is eating away at him. Rhys will confront his adoptive parents when he returns from Spain. Rhys grabbed a blood bag and fed, he began drawing the castle from memory. After around an hour of drawing it to perfection as that's what type of man he is, he's a perfectionist, everyone laughs at him for being this way. Rhys always reminds everyone he's a Virgo. Rhys heard everyone up and he went downstairs with the drawing.

"Good morning, how does it feel to feel the sun on your skin?"

"Good Tanya, thank you. I've completed the drawing."

"Let's see."

Tanya is stunned, Mia too. Mia looks at Tanya and tells her that this is the castle we first investigated in a foreign country. It's not in Wales but in Spain. It's still a functioning building, they use it for weddings and all kinds of ceremonies. Tanya began researching its ownership, she soon remembered on the night she and Mia investigated it, a man with a Welsh accent opened the building for them. Tanya was now convinced that his fleeing relatives want him to join them.

Tanya never told Rhys of her thoughts, but they needed to go to Spain as that's where they'll be. Damon asked why? What would be the point of going there? Tanya explained we need to find Marie, she owed her a story, she owed Rhys an explanation. Damon was hesitant in going, but he would be alone. Rhys wants to know his history, Tanya is dead set on getting her proof. Ben would be working and the rest would worry about Damon. Tanya explained all this to him and he decided upon going.

Mia booked the flights and they travelled to the airport. The group always carry their passports with them, they're a group that usually jump on flights no matter where an investigation takes them. At the airport, it was difficult to hide the blood bags, Rhys went and bought a flask, he knew it would be checked, but the flight wasn't for a few hours and he didn't want to draw attention by constantly nipping to the bathroom. Rhys used the bathroom once to pour a blood bag into the flask and sipped on it until their flight was called. Walking towards the security area, he drank what was left as it would last him the couple of hours on the flight, then he would go to a hospital and get more when they landed. Rhys ditched the flask and went through security. Rhys was struggling past security as he could smell blood, he eventually made it through. The smell was probably women on their periods and he fought so hard to stay calm and he did.

The four of them were on the flight as Damon told him he managed to smuggle his blood on, Rhys die find it odd that Damon didn't ask for a drink, he attached it to look like a stoma bag, the security didn't pat him down, he waltzed on past as the airport was busy. Damon used the plane toilet to feed until he landed. The pair had researched which hospitals were near where they were going in and around the Costa Del Sol. On the flight Rhys kept having visions, that he could see where Marie and the family were. The entire family were at the castle.

The flight landed, the pull toward the castle was much more stronger. Tanya could sense this, she urged him and Damon to go and stock up and feed. The pair hired a car and drove to the nearest hospital in Malaga, they found their supply and drove back to pick up Tanya and Mia. Mia was about to put the coordinates into the cars SatNav, Rhys told her to forget it he knows exactly where to go. Tanya can vaguely remember, Mia can't. Rhys was told by Tanya to exchange seats with Mia, then Rhys would guide them to the castle.

The castle wasn't far from Malaga airport, it took the group around an hour to drive there. Rhys could sense Marie and the others in the castle, Damon sort of felt similar, but not as strong. Rhys suggested he go in alone. Tanya agreed that he should, he can talk to Marie alone, then ask if the others would be invited in!

Inside the castle, Marie could sense someone that's related to her. Marie told her family and loved ones to hide that she would deal with them, she didn't know this would be Rhys. Rhys found an open door, he knocked and shouted 'hello' before going inside. Marie was quickly by the door, she asked him why was he there?

"Well cousin, you have some explaining to do. You also owe my friend a deal. You need to let me in."

"Come in Rhys, how did you find us?"

"It wasn't hard after my transition. I sensed you from the UK, even stronger when we landed here. It seems we are related. Can you explain? Who is Morgan and Rhiannon Jones?"

Marie almost fainted, Rhys slid by her side to hold her up. Rhys worried about her asks if she's ok? Marie stands back, then demands to know where he heard those names?

"It wasn't hard, after my transition i had the same affliction as you. I soon found out i was adopted and it didn't take Einstein to work this one out. Who are they, Marie?"

"You can't be their child, they're vampires. They're my brother and sister in-law. I thought them dead centuries ago."

"I've seen my birth certificate, Marie. Their names was on it. Who created the vampire gene?"

"You're asking the wrong questions, vampirism has existed since the beginning of time. I don't understand this."

Marie called for Joanna, Imelda and Emilio. They were shocked to see Rhys there, but Emilio felt what Marie did, a familial connection. Emilio asks.

"Who did you say your parents were?"

"Morgan and Rhiannon Jones. It's impossible right?"

"Well not exactly."

At this moment Marie turned around and looked at Emilio. Marie begged Emilio to explain this to her, she can't figure it out. Emilio explained that in the early 1800's, Morgan and Rhiannon moved to Alaska, the family hadn't heard from them in all that time, they assumed they were dead. The family never thought about them again. Emilio also had a confession, that when they moved into the house in Anglesey, he sensed vampires had been there, but not in the familiar way he always knew. Marie then remembered about the food in the house and how it felt lived in, not by humans like she would normally sense. Emilio also confessed that he had heard of vampires having babies centuries after turning. Marie needed to speak with Imelda.

"Imelda!" Marie yelled.

"What sweetheart, what are you doing here?"

"Never mind him, why wasn't i told that some vampires can have children?"

"It's only ever been rumours, Marie. We haven't ever seen proof."

"Well you're looking at proof. This boy, is Morgan and Rhiannon's son. Rhys has now transitioned, he learned after his transition that he was a member of this family and not one of you, had the audacity to tell me our species can evolve. Why?"

"Darling, your yearning for a baby after your husband died. You then went in search of a lady to make yours, she is yours and she gave you a son. The boy may not biologically be yours, but he's still yours. If the rumours are correct, then you would need to make love with a man to have that biological baby. Do you want that? Do you think Joanna would approve?"

"Secrets, secrets and more bloody secrets. Rhys, pick a room. This castle is partly yours too, tell your friends to come in. We all have a lot to discuss. Although not tonight, my head is all over the place. Tomorrow we talk all of us. I'll be in my quarters, i want to be left alone until tomorrow. Goodnight."

Rhys called Tanya and the others to come to the castle. That Marie welcomes them, that she won't speak to anyone until tomorrow until she has clearer thoughts.

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