Alice In Blunderland.

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Life at Joaquin's Austrian palacial home, has been serene these past few months. Damon and Rhys have enjoyed catching up with Mia and Tanya. In a way it's been like having the whole team back together again. There was one person missing and it was Ben, they had been in contact with him over the past year or so, he's been busy with work and he's been at the house in Anglesey to remind himself of what transpired there. There was something Ben wasn't telling them, he was writing the book that Tanya wanted to write. Tanya sought permission from Joaquin to invite him over when the baby is born? Joaquin totally agreed, he loves the house being full, especially with people he barely knows.

Jose has been there for every appointment, watching their daughter grow through each scan. Jose walks away with tears in his eyes every time the doctor prints out a scan. Jose brought up the subject of names, without a single thought Mia decided on Alice. Jose was overjoyed at this. The four dimensional scan showed how she looked, she is growing well. A beautiful little face it made the entire room cry. Mia was huge by now, she has been nesting, buying cradles, pushchairs and clothing. Jose has bought a house nearby and one in the UK should Mia and Tanya ever decide to return there? Jose invited Mia and Tanya to give him directions on how to decorate to all their tastes. It seems Rhiannon has had a positive influence on Jose, Joaquin even commented on how he sees him in a different light.

During the last weeks of Mia's pregnancy, tension rises again. Jose began to become overprotective of his baby, he wouldn't let Tanya near. Rhiannon spotted this, she feared his strength given he's a lot older, but she knew that challenging him in Joaquin's home, Joaquin would take her side. Rhiannon approached Jose and told him to back off, that it's unfair he's taking over the care and leaving Tanya out. Jose felt insulted by this, he was about to strike Rhiannon. Joaquin grabbed his hand and told him he believes that what told him Rhiannon is right.

Jose finally began to pull away, he became too dominant and he recognised it. Tanya was relieved because she felt so pushed out, she understood he was protective of his unborn daughter. However, he snarled his fangs at her from time to time. The truth is he feared Tanya, flashing his fangs was as far as he was willing to take it. Tanya has learned who she is now and will do all she can to protect her family, she knows how to tap into her witchcraft now, without looking at a book. Jose knows she's powerful, he wouldn't dare take her on.

The birth was imminent, Tanya sensed their daughter was ready to come out. In the night Mia was in pain, she initially thought it was Braxton Hicks, but she suddenly felt cold and wet under her backside. The sheets beneath her were soaked. Tanya called for Joaquin to bring the doctor, but the doctor got here too late, the baby was born in minutes. The doctor when he did arrive, had Tanya and Jose cut the cord. The doctor took the baby and weighed her, she was big for a first baby, a big nine pounder he stated.

Jose had requested that he got some skin on skin contact after Tanya. This came as a surprise to everyone. Tanya told him to go first and she would wait. Jose thanked her, he opened his shirt, as the doctor was getting the afterbirth out. Joaquin suggested that Mia ate it, not cooked as humans do, but to nourish herself as breast milk might not come through. Mia asked him why would her breast milk not come in? Rhiannon answered for him.

"It does come in eventually, the afterbirth will help. It helped me. Don't worry, you'll get to feed her like every human mother gets to experience."

Mia tucked into the afterbirth, she shared it with Jose. Jose was repulsed but he did chomp it down. Once both of the parents had skin to skin, Mia was finally ready to try and feed Alice. Mia placed her on the breast and she fed immediately. Rhiannon was surprised how quickly the milk came in. Mia asked to be left alone, just her and the baby. The group left the room, Mia was comfortable and Joaquin guided them to the lounge and poured everyone a round of drinks. Rhys and Damon were delighted.

The doorbell went, Joaquin knew who it was, it was Ben. Joaquin invited Ben over, he came just in time as they were about to wet the baby's head. A full house, the whole team there. Joaquin asked Ben what is it like being human again?

"I feel happier, vampirism made me feel dark. I hated it."

Ben had no idea about Mia's abilities to read minds. If Mia discovered that he was writing a book, she is under an obligation to tell Joaquin. The conundrum is, would she turn on one of her long time friends? Tanya had time to catch up with him alone, she asked him how his life has been?

"Looks as though yours has been much more tumultuous than mine?"

"It has, you had much work on?"

"Yes and no. I am writing a book though."

"About what may I ask?"

"All this."

Tanya hushed him, she told him to not write anything that's nonfiction.

"Why? Who'll know?"

"If you're ever in the company of Mia she'll know. Thanks to her vampirism she has telepathic powers now."

"Tanya, you think she'll squeal on me?"

Tanya was quiet. Tanya was deep in thought and she knows that Mia wouldn't, but as part of legion she has a duty to.

"Ben, there's a way to keep her out of her out your head. Come with me."

Tanya brings him to the library and helps him keep her out of his head. Ben wasn't sure it would work, Tanya urged him to take these tasks seriously otherwise he's in grave danger. Ben tried to learn the techniques and he believed he got them down. Mia wanted to see Ben the next day, he was told to practice the techniques that Tanya told him. Ben forgot about that subject for a moment a reflected on a conversation once, he had overheard them during an investigation that one day she could have a baby, but they both agreed it might not fit with work and their extra curricular activities. Tanya recalls the conversation vividly and thinks now that she perhaps foresaw it and she never told Tanya. Ben asked Tanya how she forgave Mia?

"It was difficult, but i love her Ben. I wouldn't and couldn't walk away from sixteen years, all for a one nightstand. Even though she did fancy Jose."

"Is that him that looks like he's on steroids?"

"Indeed. That's Alice's father. Ben be kind to him, he's ok once you get to know him. At first he's an obnoxious little prick."

Ben laughed, he commented on how only Mia could fall for an idiot like him. Tanya quickly corrected him, she told him that she didn't fall for him. Ben also brought up how he can't believe that some vampires can have babies. Tanya then took Ben back to the others and he sat down and chatted with Rhys, Damon and the others. Joaquin suspected Ben had a secret but now wasn't the time to ask him about it.

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