Dust To Dust.

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Two weeks after the accident, young Lily walked out of the hospital, with healed skin and broken bones mended. Doctors, nurses and experts stood and watched in awe. Lily only two weeks ago was hit by a car and she was close to death. Tanya called him to inform him that he would be receiving vials of blood in a package soon. Ben needed a plan to administer it to sick children, his friend Jim is a hospital health care assistant, he could get access to very sick child. Ben could trust Jim, he is best placed to give those very ill children the blood.

One evening Jim was almost caught, he lied and told the nurse that the child was asking for a drink. The nurse gave him a telling off as it was a cancer ward, the child was due for surgery the next day and it stated on her bed, 'Nil By Mouth.' Jim promised he would look in future. Jim had messed up again, he gave that cancer patient too much. The same child that was down for surgery. The nurses noticed her colour had changed, she was energetic, she told the nurse she felt better. The nurse noticed hair at the edge of her bandana. The nurse asked the kid did she wear a wig? The child responded that she didn't. The nurse asked her to take off her bandana. The child's hair was growing back rapidly, her dedicated nurse told her colleague that her patient had no hair from chemo. The nurse called her oncologist to check her again.

The oncologist was stunned, there was no tumours in her chest, the same tumours that were present the day before. The oncologist was confused. The nurse that caught Jim give the child the drink, may have done something to her? The oncologist totally blew her off, he told her that nothing he could've gave her would've stopped tumours and how the child had dramatically changed overnight. Jim travelled all over the children's wards in many hospitals, he sought many children of life threatening illnesses and accidents. The oncologist that was the lead carer for this child took blood samples and sent them to a lab.

Lab technicians came back with results that were impossible to have in a human body. The blood was creating more good cells than bad cells, replicating quicker than they had ever seen before. The oncologist sent what he discovered to experts in blood. The results came back as the blood could only come from one being and it might sound mythical and not real? The result pointed to one being that would have blood like this, that it would be a vampire. The oncologist Dr Harman, asked the nurse to find the health care assistant. The nurse found Jim mopping a floor, he was ordered to follow her to Dr Harman's office. Jim was asked to explain what he gave the patient to drink?

"Just water doctor, why?"

"We are wondering why a child with third stage cancer has no tumours and on her way to be sent home?"

"I don't know, i just gave her a drink of water. The kid was thirsty."

"We are keeping you for tests?"

"Me? Why?"

Dr Harman didn't give anything away. Jim tried to make a run for it. Dr Harman called for security to detain Jim for tests. The doctor extracted blood from Jim, they sent the blood to the lab and it wasn't the same blood. Dr Harman released Jim, he was nowhere near closer discovering why his patient fully recovered. A nurse named Jane approached him, she told him her ex girlfriend is a parapsychologist, that she could help? Dr Harman doesn't feel good about going into what he calls pseudoscience. Jane explained that what he has experienced is supernatural, simply because she has heard of near death patients from other hospitals recover fully. Jane knows Ben, she heard his daughter recovered from a near fatal car accident. Dr Harman asked her to reach out her, he couldn't believe he was asking such a thing.

Jane didn't have a number for Tanya, but she called her mother who gave it to her. Jane gave the number to Dr Harman, he called Tanya and asked her outright. Dr Harman begins by saying.

"Miss Herron, i can't believe I'm making this call. I am Dr Harman from Salford General Hospital. In our hospital and in others near death patients have miraculously recovered. I will preface this by saying, i don't believe in this stuff, but there's now blood evidence of blood replicating faster than ever recorded. Is there anyway vampires exist?"

"Dr Harman, before i answer any questions, who gave you my number?"

"Jane Keller. Jane has asked me to call you. I don't believe in this stuff or miraculous recoveries. My young patient was due for surgery, she was fully cancer free in less than twenty four hours. This isn't possible."

Tanya was furious, this was Bens way of opening up the possibility of revealing Mia, the family and her friends from being exposed to the world. Tanya tells the doctor that she doesn't believe in the existence of vampires. Dr Harman doesn't either and he ended the call. Tanya called Ben and didn't respond to her calls when she tried. Tanya went in search of Joaquin, he was livid. Joaquin sprang into action and had legion members make their way to hospitals across the northwest of England. Their task was to find all the blood samples. The legion members were to find Ben and punish him. Mia was devastated, but she understood that she and her family are in danger of being exposed to the world.

Ben knew something like this would happen, he was prepared. Ben let them take him, but he had Jim release all the files on himself, the feedings and all data gathered on the house in Anglesey. Ben also had already wrote his manuscript, it's been sent to literary agents, his addendum was that if he disappeared the agents need to print the book.

Legion got Ben as he finished work, they took him to a castle in Scotland and locked him away. Bens wife noticed he wasn't home, she waited in case he was running late. The time was now midnight, she assumed he went for a drink after work, but he usually texts her. Sarah, Bens wife called the police whom at first didn't take her seriously. The police told her to wait another twenty four hours, the twenty four hours was up and he wasn't home. Sarah was frantic, she didn't even think to call Tanya or the group. The police released a statement saying he was missing.

In Scotland, Ben was subjected to torture a feeling he had never experienced ever before. The legion knew he was a vampire before, they fed him vampire blood, they snapped his neck, he was a vampire again. Ben tried to not complete the transition as he knew what happened to those that died the same way before him. Human blood now touched his lips, it was in his mouth. Ben tried and failed to spit it out. Ben began having seizures, suddenly he was asleep and woke up hours later, then he disappeared into dust before them. Legion left him there, they told Joaquin of his fate. Joaquin began to relax. The trouble for all vampires was far from over.

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