Error Of Ways.

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The storytelling from Marie was quite the surprise for Tanya. Tanya still wanted to find out more, who was Ruben? How old was he? Was Rocio still alive? Where are Morgan and Rhiannon? The latter would be answered sooner than she thought, after her evening with Marie, Morgan and Rhiannon turned up to see their son. It seems that the old ones demanded they visit him. Rhiannon hesitantly returned to the castle, but if they didn't there would be orders to imprison them until they did. They had no choice, but it was evident that Rhys was turned and it was more noticeable that Rhiannon didn't want this for him. There was something that Marie, the old ones or the family didn't know, Morgan and Rhiannon have been travelling the globe since before planes became commercial, to find a reversal and they have.

Rhiannon after seeing her son, pulled him aside and told him that if he wants, like she and his father does, to reverse the vampirism? Rhys is furious, he didn't hold back either.

"You swan in here, after 33 years and six months. You haven't bothered to try and get to know me, but you come with a promise of a reversal? I think you're extremely selfish, both of you."

Rhiannon stood back, Morgan was about to scold him for how he spoke to his mother. Rhiannon put out her hand as to stop him. Rhiannon carried on.

"It's not just for me, it's for all who want it? Your father and i do want it. We offered it to the old ones first and they turned it down, they do hold on to it. We were instructed to offer it to you and those that turned along side you. We never wanted this for you, Marie made this happen for you, in her quest to take us out of the shadows. Not so much me, but your father. When we discovered that Marie had reversed the curse, we knew she must've made contact with you. The only thing she never knew that there's always been a cure for this, we did. There's enough for everyone that wants it?"

Tanya walked towards Rhiannon, she asked her what is it? Tanya knows of one person that would definitely consider it. Rhiannon explained.

"It's the blood of a witch, the very witch that created the bloodlust in the first place. We have travelled the globe to have it confirmed, a single drop of her blood, which she stored in a cave in the Andes all those millennia's ago, is still as fresh as the day before she died. My conclusion was she shed enough blood before her impending death to reverse the damage before our species ever got out of control. It's happened in the past. Son, i don't want this for you."

"Firstly, don't call me son, call me Rhys. Secondly, you gave me away. I sort of get your reasons, but i look at Marie's family and how they made it work, you could've too. I like who i am now. If you and Morgan want to change, then that's up to you."

Rhiannon with tears in her eyes fled the room, Morgan running behind her. Marie grabbed Rhys and hugged him, while doing so she whispered to him.

"If you ever change your mind, do it. I'll leave you with your thoughts. One other thing, i get you're upset at your parents, but give them time. Again, that's entirely your decision."

"Thank you, Marie."

Marie nodded at Rhys and walked towards Tanya and asked?

"Who would want it?"

"Ben for sure. That man might come across as placid as a flower in a meadow, but he was turned by you forcefully, he has tried every way to keep himself calm. If anyone wants a shot at humanity again, then i suggest you offer it to him. Perhaps Damon too?"

Marie walked around the room, she decided that she would call a compulsory house meeting tonight. Rhiannon's revelations has shaken the solid core Marie has singlehandedly created. Marie left and went to speak with Rhiannon. Marie could hear sobbing from outside the room, she gently knocked on the door and she asked to speak with them both.

"Come in Marie."

"Thank you. When did you find this reversal blood?"

"Around a century ago. I was about to take it, Morgan stopped me until we got confirmation that it worked. We went to every witch, soothsayer and seer on the planet. They all confirmed it would, but we know how deceptive witches can be. Morgan and i were in Alaska on a visit. We have friends there and we turned a local, she became overly blood thirsty. Morgan suggested we try it out on her. The woman came to us to help her with control, we gave her a glass of blood with a drop of that blood, she collapsed. Morgan and i believed she died, she didn't die. Around two hours of deep sleep, she woke up, she remembered her vampirism, she didn't feel the hunger anymore. We were mesmerised. The woman who almost killed her entire family, returned. The woman still lives today, she is now a grandmother."

"Who was this witch?"

"You've heard the tales of Selya? Selya realised that she was the cure for the spell she created as she felt she made a mistake. The reason she felt she made a mistake as a vampire she created killed her daughter. Selya realised not all of her creations were monsters, some more than others, she cut into her hand, she forced the vampire to drink, he turned back into a human."

Marie had heard the tales of Selya, but she didn't know that her blood was the cure. Marie queried how they found the blood? Rhiannon explained it took decades of research of where she last lived, she inhabited a cave in the Andes. We discovered the cave after a guide wouldn't take us any further, they feared going further as the locals had a fear of her, they believed she cursed the mountain. That wasn't the case at all.

The guides left the couple miles away from the site and they found it themselves. There was a block of ice, inside was a very large cauldron, it contained the blood. Morgan had to go into the village and find a cold storage box, this was almost impossible at nighttime, but he found a place open well into the night. A home, a butchers home. Morgan returned to the mountain, the couple grabbed the block of ice, they placed it in the thick wooden box, filled it with blocks of ice. Morgan had a friend bring a team out to help them out of the area and they stored it in a large cold place, frequently topping it up with ice. Marie was trying to get the information on its location, but she didn't given anything away. The team thought it was a box of treasure, but Morgan said it was something sentimental to his family and they believed him. Morgan gave the team a hell of a lot of money for their help and endeavour to get the box to a safe and cold place.

"Where did you hide it?"

"I can't tell you, I've been ordered by the old ones to only retrieve drops for those that want to revert to human form."

"We are family, but you're more interested in listening to those old freaks?"

"Marie, the problem is. They know you want to keep our species for your own gain. They know you're a selfish person. You have created vampires for centuries to do your bidding. Those very people deserve help or at the very least the option of how they spend the rest of their lives."

Marie stood up and left the room, she told everyone to leave her alone. Rhiannon went in search of Morgan. Rhiannon handed her a phone number and told Tanya to give it to Rhys. Tanya promised she would. Rhiannon and Morgan left and went to join the old ones.

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