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The departure of Rhiannon and Morgan left room for Marie to discover more. It left a terrible taste of abandonment in Rhys' mouth. Rhys had a plan, he needed to see the old ones, he knew there was a possibility that his parents would be there, but he spoke with Tanya who would seek out Rocio as that's the only name they were given. Marie constantly called Rhiannon and Morgan. The couple didn't pick up, Marie wanted to go and see the old ones but her plans were scuppered by Joanna, she lashed out at Marie like she never had before. It was that much of a tongue lashing it reverberated around the house.

Joanna was furious that Marie didn't consider her for the reversal. Marie tried all she could to calm her down, but it wasn't to be, Marie called for Joanna senior and Lissette to calm her. This was the first time she had felt her lovers wrath. Marie as selfish as ever, left a furious Joanna alone and went to the castle's library. Tanya joined her, she too needed to look at the books but she didn't tell her what for. Tanya needed to learn how to locate someone, the library was filled with grimoires but if she didn't have to use witchcraft, she could use the library to research about Rocio.

"I heard Joanna scold you. I don't have supernatural hearing but it wasn't hard not to hear what she yelled."

"Mind your own business, Tanya. I wouldn't get involved if you and Mia argued. What makes you so privileged to get involved with mine?"

"You both made us all involved, i heard enough and in my opinion she was right. You should've at least asked her."

Marie carried on looking for what she was trying to find. Marie found a book, it looked old, she slid the ladder to the top shelf and brought it down. Marie left with the book, but as she passed by her, she sensed that the book was magical. What was Marie up to? Marie wasn't a witch, she has been sidelined by witches for centuries. Tanya found the book she needed and located the old ones home. It was in the mountains of Austria, that means the reversal would be there too, with them. Tanya decided to tap into her telepathic powers, she realised that she was getting at the start of this entire saga, but she ignored them because of all that was happening around her. Tanya will discover what Marie is up to once and for all, it can't be good after the strong argument she just heard.

Tanya left the library and went in search of Marie. Tanya didn't have to look far, as she was walking back to the main lounge Marie hurried past her, as if she knew. It was enough time for Tanya to get inside her head, she was searching for a sleeping flower to put the entire household asleep until she destroyed the reversal blood. Tanya texted everyone in the house, telling them not to accept a drink or meal from Marie. The curious part was, not one questioned why? Was Marie always this tyrannical?

Marie left the castle in search of what she needed, the entire castle cleared out when she was gone. Tanya learned enough to block any sensory signals from vampire to vampire. The whole group were directed to a plane owned by the family, they got in and flew to Austria. The family knew where they were going, Rhys had an idea. Tanya could sense his apprehension of seeing his parents again. Tanya told him to at least consider giving them a chance, he ignored her completely, but in his head he told himself, "the selfish bastards didn't give me a chance."

The group arrived in Austria, there was always a protocol to call ahead, but none of them did. Tanya organised a car to take them all to the oldest vampires home. The drive was a short one from the airstrip, they arrived and upon arrival Rhiannon was at the front door waiting, it was as if she knew? Rhiannon walked inside as everyone got closer, she waited by the staircase until they all came in. A man as tall as a giant came into the foyer, he spoke eloquently to everyone and introduced himself as Pablo, he was the butler. Pablo noticed that none carried any bags, he was to escort them to his master. The master, a man roughly in his late thirties was sitting by an open fire in a winged back chair, he was sipping over a whiskey. The man stood up, the family knew him, there's was no introductions to be made as far as they were concerned. The man reached out his hand, he began by saying. Tanya wondered who the old ones in Benalmádena were? Or did she fly to Austria that morning?

"Welcome new ones, i am Joaquin. I am one of the oldest of our species, the oldest of my family is my wife, she is away on business. Carmelita would be devastated to have not been here to greet you. I sense one of you is a witch?"

"That would be me. I am Tanya. Pleased to meet you. We are here for your help?"

"My help? Whatever can i do for you humans?"

"Not me, but my friends that would love to have the chance at being reverted to human form? There's also one here you know personally, she wants to change back, but her partner won't allow it."

Joaquin sits down, he looks into the fire and looks towards Tanya, he knew exactly who it was and slammed his fist on the table knocking his drink onto the floor.

"It's Joanna? Marie won't allow it, will she?"

"No, she wouldn't even offer it to her. Then i have since discovered that Marie had planned to put us all down for a nice long nap, to come here and destroy it."

"Would she now? Then she would've made a very stupid decision and a wasted trip. We don't keep it here for reasons such as you've described. That girl has always been trouble. Tell me, how did she involve you? You're a witch and your kind have gave her a wide berth for centuries. I will deal with her, she has been wayward for far too long now. The curse she gained wasn't because of what others have done. I don't know what cock and bull story she told you. I had her cursed to the shadows. Then i find out she brings a child into her home and because of her curse that child has been a slave to the shadows because of her. Isn't that so Emilio?"

Emilio doesn't look at Joaquin. Emilio nods in agreement. Joanna unaware of the story, but it was kept hidden by Emilio and Imelda. Joaquin explained that he understood familial loyalty, but Marie had loyalty to her kin as well. Tanya could tell by the tone of his voice he was sick of her. Joaquin asked everyone did they wish to stay? All except Joanna answered yes immediately, but she eventually said yes and Joaquin asked Pablo to get Irina to fix rooms for everyone. Tanya thanked him, then he called her near. Tanya walked towards him and he told her to pull a chair near to him. Joaquin began by informing her that he knows what she wants and what she's always wanted.

"How did you know, Joaquin?"

"You're from Seyla's bloodline, i could smell that blood from a mile away. I didn't believe she had any lineage left, as I'm going back thousands of years. Yet here you are, a witch created by the blood during an awakening spell. I knew her, she created us. We were the first, the first that were tame at least. I understand that you feel as though some of my kin want to revert to human form, it's up to them."

"I agree. It's why I've came. Joanna wants it, she and Marie argued. It is how i found out. I have a friend back in England, he's a volatile man, he's doing fine now. Joaquin, i believe he would want it given the chance?"

"Tanya, then ask him? If he wants it, then i will organise for a vial to be sent to him. I will have a meeting with the legion this evening, i will discuss Marie and the reversal among them. If they want to turn back, then they'll get the chance to. If there's anything else? Then i should like to arrange an emergency legion meeting tonight?"

"No Joaquin, i don't think so. Although, i am a parapsychologist, i would like to document my findings for research. If you would be so kind and allow me to witness any reversion and document it for science?"

"I'll discuss it with legion tonight. You'll have your answer in the morning. Off you go to bed. Goodnight Tanya, pleased to meet you."

Tanya wished Joaquin goodnight and went to her room with Mia.

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