Self Interest.

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The past twenty four to forty eight hours have been tense. The legion and Grodan's family have been out in force looking for the remnants of the Jones'. The groups searched every corner of the world. They were taken to a safe house owned by both Joaquin and Grodan's family. The groups interrogated them, individually and together. All of them admitted they knew about Marie's plan. Grodan got further information, there's other evidence of the entire vampire race. It's hidden, but not by Marie, but by Emilio and Imelda. The couple were instructed in the case of her death, that they are to release it. They released the thumb drives, but they held onto the information they gathered over the years. Joaquin asked them why?

"Marie knew this day would come. When you discovered the affair between her and carmelita, she knew you would have her killed."

"Emilio, she had me all wrong. If she or carmelita came to me and declared their love, then i would've let her go. You of all should've known that."

"I did, i tried to talk to her. Joaquin she feared you. It turned out she was right to. Look at what your ex rival did to her? Burned her like a common witch."

"I'm not getting in a back and forth with you, Emilio. You had information on us all. You and the rest of you will pay with your lives. It was a part of the treaty Grodan and i concluded to centuries ago. Take him away."

Emilio yelled and begged to not kill them. Grodan's men grabbed him, dragged him into a room and told Joaquin to leave the rest to him. Joaquin asked Grodan to make sure that he reveals where he's hidden the information. Joaquin left and got into a car, he was driven to the airfield and was soon back in Austria. Tanya and Mia greeted him, he looked worn down and sad. Tanya told Mia that he wasn't disposing of vampires, but humans. Tanya wondered if they'll face the same execution as Marie? Mia soothes her by saying.

"They've been legally dead for centuries, the only members of that group that deserve a second chance is Joanna, her mother and son."

"Will Joaquin stop at them though? What about Rhiannon, Morgan and Rhys?"

"I can't see it babe, Rhiannon and Morgan haven't been a part of that group for centuries. Rhys is new, only finding his family. He will be fine."

Tanya wasn't sure, but she had to trust her partners instincts. Grodan called to say the Jones' don't exist anymore, the evidence is hidden in his house. Joaquin looked around, he thought to himself "this house is huge, where can it be?" Joaquin had everyone search the rooms and everywhere the group were since they were there. It wasn't to be found. Tanya overheard one of the servants mention it, Mia suggested it might be in their room, since Joaquin wouldn't think it would be in there.

Tanya searched the entire room, in a corner there was a loose skirting board. There was a deep gap, wedged inside the gap, was a ledger. Mia watched as Tanya took pictures of every single page, she knew that Joaquin wouldn't give her a story now, she had to copy it. The house was in an uproar, Tanya felt bad for the staff that are on call 24/7. Tanya brought down the book, she told Joaquin where it was hidden.

"What a clever bastard, he knew we wouldn't search your room. Thank you, Tanya."

"You're very welcome, burn it. Your mind will be at ease now."

Tanya walked away knowing that she herself would betray him. Tanya had a plan, she would use the evidence, but she would write the book anonymously. Tanya would have to face Joaquin and Grodan's wrath one day, but it gives her plenty of time to hone her skills as a witch. Tanya looked back as he quickly flicked through the ledgers pages, he shook his head and threw it in the fire. Tanya walked upstairs where Mia was taking a shower, step by step pondering over what she photographed. Tanya turned on her heels and walked downstairs and grabbed a towel for the hot tub.

In the hot tub, she flicked through her phone, there was names, hundreds, maybe thousands. There were pictures of vampires feeding. Tanya zoomed in to one picture, there was a tattoo she recognised. Tanya was so shocked that she almost dropped the phone in the water. It was Mia, the confusing part was she hasn't seen her feeding, but she has spent a lot of time on her own, was she pilfering Joaquin's supply?

Tanya got out, she got dressed. Tanya went straight to their room, Mia was just finished in the shower, she hadn't noticed a change in pallor just like the rest, how was it she kept her flushed skin? Was she just wearing make up? Tanya realised Mia had been wearing it a lot more, she was never one for make up. Tanya sat on the bed, not knowing where to begin, as she didn't want her to think she was going to betray her kin. Tanya tried to remember was Mia there when she took the pictures? It finally dawned on her, she was.

Mia came and sat next to her, she asked her.

"What's up darling?"

"When did you turn, Mia?"

"How did you find out?"

"Never mind how i found out, Mia. When?"

"A while ago, i had Damon turn me."

"Again, how did you find out?"

"The pictures god damn it."

"You've been a vampire for however long. Yet, you didn't have the balls to tell me. Why?"

Mia explains that when she became a witch and seen her friends and colleagues turn. Mia explained she felt powerless in comparison. Tanya declared that she should've told her. Mia agreed, it was then she told her that she was feeding from a human. Mia explains that she prefers it that way. Tanya tells her that she either takes the reversal or they're finished. Mia laughs and tells her, that if she forces her to revert she will tell Joaquin she took the pictures of the ledger. Tanya was in quite the situation, she told Mia that she needed time.

Mia went search of Joaquin for advice, he told her exactly what Tanya told her. Mia sat down and cried. Joaquin sat next to her, he put his hand on her shoulder and told her that Tanya will come around, he's seen many couples in the same situation. Joaquin advised her to give her space, if Tanya wants to not share their room for her to pick another. Joaquin asked a question she needed to lie about, he asked her how she found out? Mia told him that she suspected for a while but wasn't sure until she had taken her make up off for the shower. Mia feels this could be the end of their relationship, but she has something that she can hold over her. Mia realised what she was saying was selfish and she wouldn't ever betray the woman she loves in that way, what would Joaquin do? Not just to Tanya but to Mia?

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