Yes Way Jose.

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Days passed, the house had definitely changed. Joaquin handed Tanya an envelope, she opened it and couldn't believe what she was reading. Joaquin had paid off her mortgage, he paid the electric, gas and water bill. Joaquin knew as Tanya got older she would want to return to England. Mia would never be able to return with her, unless she passes herself off as a relative of Mia's? Tanya thanked him, but she may have came up with a way to live a little longer herself. Joaquin couldn't believe how far she had progressed in her magical endeavours. Tanya wanted to remain at Mia's side for as long as possible as it turns out, if she got sick, vampire blood wouldn't heal her, it would make her decline faster.

Tanya and Mia had finally made love, it was the first time since discovering she was a vampire. Mia was gentle with her, she never snagged a hair from her head. Tanya declared it was the most beautiful lovemaking session they have ever had. Mia explained how the vampirism has heightened all her senses, that sex is forever on her mind. Mia also confessed when they were quarrelling that she had fun on her own. Tanya felt relieved that she didn't have to worry about her mortgage, she was getting constant calls from her workplace seeking her for work.

Tanya sent an email resignation, a devastating feat for her. Tanya has been in that job since she completed her studies. she has been away too long and she can't return until she is near death. That aside, she loves living in Austria. Joaquin will be inaugurating Mia into legion, only one of the three women that are members, she will be the only one to live on site. The two others have families, they come when Joaquin requires them to. The event will be grand, she will swear allegiance to her new family. Joaquin tasked Tanya to start sending out the invitations, he gave her his address book and the family crest embossed paper.

Mia was taken to the guesthouse, the first time she was in it since her transition, besides it's not for any vampire, it's for legion members only. There was a servant that is dedicated to the guesthouse, she took Mia's measurements for her robe, her suit and all legion attire. Mia looked around and on the walls she seen all the legion members and how they were dressed. One grabbed her attention, it was a man. Mia felt an instant attraction to him, it was the weirdest feeling ever, she never looked at men that way before. The lady noticed her looking at him.

"That's Jose Valdez the third, Joaquin's great, too many greats to count grandson. He's quite the stunner isn't he?"

Mia blushed, trying to hold in her embarrassment. Mia looked down and replied to her.

"I usually don't like men, but that guy is beautiful."

"Don't be shy about your feelings, Mia. You're a vampire, a special one I'm told. Just to clue you in, he's married and his wife is a super bitch. Don't tell one i told you so."

Mia begs the servant not to mention this to Tanya. The servant told she can't tell her anything that goes on in this room. Mia felt relieved but confused at the same time. These feelings baffled her. Why was she suddenly attracted to this man? Mia needed to see Joaquin immediately. Mia queried was her measurements done? The lady told her that she was done, she ran across to the house and she sought out Joaquin. As ever he was in the library reading. Joaquin looked up, he could see she was in a kerfuffle.

"What's wrong?"

"Joaquin, promise this won't pass your lips?"

"I promise, what's going on?"

"When i was being measured for my robe and suit. A picture took me by surprise in more ways than one. I am baffled by this, i am totally surprised to say this, but I'm attracted to your grandson. Why?"

"Oh darling, that's normal. Vampirism heightens all your senses, all your desires. I know you identify as lesbian, but perhaps you are bisexual and you didn't know it. That being said, he's married. I'm sure Lupe told you that. I won't be telling Tanya, but when you meet him at your inauguration, please don't make him or anyone aware."

Mia walked off and took a walk around the gardens, she needed to clear her head. The picture should remain just that, a picture. Mia decided that she needs to make sure that she's not confused. Mia went in search of Tanya, but she couldn't find her. Mia needed to get Jose out of her system somehow, she went and found a quiet spot and relieved herself. The thought of Jose didn't leave her, in fact it's what turned her on, she felt immense guilt. Mia cleaned up and left the room to find Tanya, who was wandering the house looking for her. Mia selfishly realised that she relieved herself over a man. Tanya was feeling amorous at this point, but she seen Mia flushed. Tanya's amorous feelings slipped away at that precise moment, she knew that Mia had pleased herself. Mia couldn't read her thoughts anymore, but she walked towards her and promised her a night of passion after the inauguration.

The evening of the inauguration was upon them, legion had travelled from across the globe. The guesthouse was packed to capacity. Tanya and Mia had been in hours before getting ready, Tanya told her it reminded her of when she graduated university. Mia smiled and touched her hand, Tanya had things to do before the guests came. Tanya wasn't allowed to be at the event, but she managed to convince Mia to wear a hidden camera. Mia knew this was wrong, she spilled water on it, as it would malfunction. Legion were now ready, in the crowd she could see his face, unable to take it away from him, she stumbled over her vows. Tanya was inside with the wives and their adoptive children. Ironically she clicked with Jose's wife Alice. Alice shared her disdain at not being allowed at legion meetings. Tanya and Alice both shared the same thing.

The inauguration was over, the group sit and discuss issues then they are usually to disperse quickly, but Joaquin threw a party. There was a table of drinks behind the stage, on her way to the table, she was shoulder to shoulder to Jose. Mia read his thoughts and he most certainly had thoughts about her. Jose was about to hold his hand out to say hello, but he uttered.

"What's the point, pops told me you're special. You can read thoughts, I'm sure you know my name?"

"I do José, pleased to meet you."

Mia was flushed to hide her embarrassment, she pretended to spill a drink. Jose bent down to help her, she looked into his eyes and he hers. The pair stood up and he whispered.

"Fancy getting away from these morons?"

"Hmmm... oh ok then. Why not?"

The pair walked out a door to the left of the room, where it was soundproofed. A room where senior legion meet. Mia couldn't control herself, she threw herself at him. Jose didn't hold back, the pair were soon ripping each others clothes off. The first time in her life, she was having sex with a man. Mia was so engrossed with him, she forgot all about Tanya. They spent hours in there. Jose realised that they shouldn't be doing this, he slipped out before her, Mia lay in the room, she was feeling slight guilt, but to feel him inside her, she wanted more.

Mia finally pulled herself up off the floor, she opened the door and exited, the room was still immersed in each other's conversations. Mia scanned the room, she couldn't find him. Mia thanked everyone for a great evening and for coming. Mia left in search of him, when she finally clocked eyes on him, he was with Tanya, Alice and Joaquin. Tanya waving for her to join them. Mia walked up, Joaquin kissed both Jose and Alice, the couple left. Tanya was dying to know how she felt and she replied in a very honest way, that she felt fantastic.

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