Double Cross.

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Mia was lying in her room crying, constantly texting Tanya's phone, but not getting an answer. Mia tried every way possible to recall the steps they took that day. Mia asked everyone do they think she went to Marie's? Ben didn't answer but Rhys and Damon were sure she might have. Mia was tempted to walk over, but the men stopped her. They told her that if they're what they suspected, then she might get trapped as well. Mia reacted angrily.

"We have to get her out of there."

"We will Mia, we just need a plan. Give us a day or so?"

"If they've turned her, how would it be possible to have a vampire for a girlfriend?"

"What if she was? Wouldn't you love her anyway? She would still be her?"

"No Ben, you don't know Tanya. It would destroy her. Tanya wants kids. Let's face it, we don't even know what they are it's all speculation. Even you Ben, i am not in total agreement with the others, you don't seem different."

Ben calmed her down by saying he will go and see if she's there? Mia was happy, but also worried. It's unlike Tanya not to tell anyone where she is, especially when they're on a job. Ben drives around to the house and Marie opens the door. Marie invited him in and he can smell Tanya's perfume. Marie asks if he's there to see if Tanya is here?

"Yes, her partner is worried sick. Where is she?"

"In lounge, she's reading her family's grimoires. It's her we needed all along. We researched her, she was a dormant witch. We are keeping her here until she fixes the curse her ancestors put on us centuries ago. We are doing this all for Gregory. Uncle Emilio and aunt Imelda want to return to Spain, they've waited six hundred years for this."

"You can't keep her locked up in here, what do i tell her partner?"

"That she's helping us with research. That she should be back in a few days."

Ben looks towards Tanya, he asks her if she's ok? Tanya looked up with confusion in her eyes, telling him that she has now been turned into a witch to break a spell put on them. Tanya tells Ben to go back and placate Mia, to tell her that she should be home in a few days. Ben asks Marie has she been feeding her?

"What do you think we are? Savages?"

"No Marie, she looks tired and confused."

"Of course she's being fed and of course she's confused. Tanya is here to right a wrong. It's as simple as that."

Ben quips.

"Tanya's ancestors must've put that spell on you for a reason? What did you do?"

"First off, her distant grandmother, killed my mother. Secondly, she wasn't happy with that, she had to curse the rest of us when we did nothing to her. I wasn't even in the country when all this was taking place, i was in Spain. I found out when i was in the sun, my skin bubbled like someone poured hot tar on me. The same for the rest of us, except, Joanna, her mother and our son. Their blood is fine, but we all miss the sun otherwise Gregory will be left motherless. It was my blood that saved Joanna when she gave birth to him, she was dying. My blood also saved her mother when she had a heart attack. The fear of death made them beg me to turn them. I was reluctant at first, but Joanna and i bonded after that moment and i couldn't be without her."

Tanya for the first time heard this and tears filled her eyes. Tanya told Marie that she would do all she could to help them. On one condition?

"What would that be?"

"That you let me write a book on you. I won't ever name you, any of you. I will donate the proceeds to a charity of your choosing?"

"Ok, you have a deal. I will help you understand the language. It's in Welsh and you could be away from Mia longer without help."

Tanya smiled and told Ben to not worry about her, to tell Mia that she will be home soon. Marie joined Tanya on the floor and Ben left. Tanya admitted that had she told her about the situation before, that she wouldn't have hesitated in helping them. Tanya apologised for what her ancient ancestors did to her, but she made it clear that it wasn't her fault. Marie agreed, she too apologised for the way she handled getting her to help.

Ben returned to the house, a desperate Mia was in the kitchen drinking brandy straight from the bottle, it wasn't long before she was drunk. Ben carried her to bed, Rhys and Damon watching his every move. Mia went into a state of depression, Ben was spending more and more time with Marie and the family. Marie told him something interesting.

"The group are paranormal investigators, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"This was my house, my mother never owned it. I was married to a man all those years ago, this was our home. My mothers property is still in great condition, it's where we stayed until we enacted our plan. I have long suspected it's haunted. Gregory seen a little boy and a woman there, they had names, William and Harriet. If your team are at a loose end, surely that house could be investigated?"

"I will ask them and see what they say? How long do you reckon it will take Tanya to learn this stuff?"

"Tanya is almost done. The spell just needs to be said, but we must wait until a Thursday, which is tomorrow."

Ben texted Rhys and Damon and asked if Mia was in bed or awake? Damon text back, she's in bed and refusing to get out of it until Tanya comes home. Ben also told them of a house they could investigate tonight if they wanted? Rhys and Damon declined, they want to wait until Tanya is home safely. Ben informed them that she will be home tomorrow.

The morning after, a night after being on the brandy again. Mia woke up extremely hungover, but she didn't want to eat or get up. Tanya was working on the spell and she finally had it right. Tanya had Marie give her some blood, she dropped into a lit pink candle and began the spell. The family was now unbound. Tanya told them that they won't know it has worked until there's sunshine. The sun was due in the afternoon, the family were looking forward to getting into the sun. Tanya waited until the sun began to shine and invited them all into the garden, they all thought it might be a double cross, but they were wrong. The family felt the sun for the first time in a long time. Tanya told Marie that she needs to keep her side of the deal?

"Of course, I'll even tell you who turned me. Where they live now and if you want i could introduce you?"

"You bet. I'll go now. I need to see to Mia."

The double cross would come from the person that Tanya should have expected. Marie and her family got her wish. Once Tanya left, they did too. They got on a plane and fled to Spain. Ben would be left behind, but Tanya understood something, that if she's a witch now, Ben is a vampire. Ben will have a link to them and Tanya will need to delve further into witchcraft to link herself to Marie and her family and she will get her pledge one way or another.

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