3.- Trouble Too Soon

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Having to take the streets since it was still day time, Donnie had to wear his jacket with hood up to cover up his face.

He looks down his phone a few times, GPS on screen as he had added the new direction that was sent by Abril.

Looking down to ubicate himself on the guidance given by the app, Donnie noticed that it was leading him to the other side of the city.

'How long did it took her to get to the grocery store, to Abril place and back?' He thought confused that she would take the bother in walking too far from the other side of New York.

"You've arrived at your destination."

Donnie then made a stop, looking at his screen as the GPS informed that he had arrived, looking up from the screen to see that he stood in front a of a 5 floor department building.

Taking the path in the alleyway, Donnie looks for the fire escape stares from the side, seeing one, he then took a leap to reach out for the ladders, pulling it down and with that he began climbing, getting to the top and then took the steps, looking at every window in search of the correct department room.

Just as he was barely at the third floor, a window suddenly exploded from the inside, the glass shattering everywhere but Donnie reacted fast and covered his face with his arms, luckily not receiving a single cut.

"What the...?" He mumbled and peeked inside with doubt, only to wide eye inside.

"Right behind you, Eva!!" Abril shouted as she smashed a few oozequitos with an electric tennis racquet and a wooden bat.

Donnie eyes widen in shock as he witnessed how the other human girl tries slicing the insects with a sword, her movements and every steps she takes seems as though she was literally dancing.

"Th-There's too many!" Eva exclaimed, slicing a few of them and avoiding being stinged.

"Careful in not being sting or you'll transform!" Abril warned.

"I-I don't a wanna be a squid!!"

"Behind you!" Donnie then shouted out of nowhere, leaping inside and quickly took out his techno-Bo, squishing an oozequitos that was just about to sting Eva from behind, using the tip of his weapon to squish it.

"Donnie!" Abril exclaimed relieved as Eva swift her head to him surprised of his sudden appearance.

"What happened? Why is there a lot in here?!" Donnie asked swinging his staff as he tries typing down his techno band in his arm, carefulling in not being sting.

"I don't know! We arrived and it was already filled with them! They may have entered by the window!" Abril tried to explain.

"I-I have the habit in l-leaving it open whenever I go to w-work. And since I t-took longer outside, th-they may have entered b-by then." Eva said as she dodged some.

Donnie listened while he keeping looking at his wrist, dodging some and also smashing them before his eyes widen.

"Found it! " He shouted and with both hands he grabbed his Bo, stomping it on the floor and pressed a button that the weapon had.

In a second the Bo immediately began changing turned into what seems to be a large size fan.

"Hold on onto something!" He warned and both girls stare at him.

Abril onto the door frame quickly while Eva hid behind her couch chair, without any other second to waste, Donnie turned on the fan, the air it gave wasn't like those with a cool soft blow but it was a harsh, brute blow which immediately sent every object away towards the window.

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