15.- The Longest Fight

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Leo skateboards into the air, Donnie and Raph watching something on their phones near the skate ramp they have in the lair. Mikey has a feast all laid out, a chef's hat on his head. He presses his hands together.

"Okay. We got pizza rolls, pizza balls, pizza tots, pizza puffs, and duck a la orange..." He lifts the lid to reveal a whole pizza...with duck a la orange on it, of course. "Pizzaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"As if today could get any more perfect." Donnie said, looking over at his brothers as something was loading up on his tablet, which is being held by one of the spider legs of his shell.

Just as he said that, a familiar girl walked in the lair, looking down on her phone as she turned off the flash and then looks up to greet the boys, finally making her way to a specific turtle only to blush madly on sighting the soft shell boy.

Donnie expression turned smugly. "And it got even better." He smirked, pulling the girl by her wrist close to him, sitting her on his lap, enjoying the raising heat of the girl who was trying to cover her red face.

"Live in Tokyo, the extreme skateboarding finals." A male spoke acrose the microphone from Donnie's tablet, the five teens turning their attention to the screen.

"It’s starting guys." Raph informs, sliding beside Donnie, Mikey peeping over the boy's shoulder while Leo slides across the rails, still on his board.

"Three hours of insane tricks... and the rumors are true; Sydney Allen will attempt a 14- on the Mega Ramp!" The announcer mentioned, showing on screen a young girl posing on the edge of a ramp, hair blowing along the wind.

"Is that even possible?" Donnie lean closer to the screen, enticed by the show, Eva raising a brow in confusion, not having much knowledge about sports or what evs

"No way!" Mikey exclaimed with a huge grin.

"She’s gotta be a mutant." Raph added with a nod.

"Hey." Leo then shouted out, grabbing the others attention as he does a handstand on his board at the top of one of the ramps. XI bet I could do a 14-40." He declared with a prideful grin.

His twin give out a sigh. "I will forgo my usual, “No don’t, That four rotations. That’s crazy talk Leo”. And skip right ahead to, “cover the food”." Donnie then pointed as both Raph and Mikey dashed. their way to the table, shielding it as best they can while the soft turtle shield Eva between his arms while he kept his eyes on the tablet screen.

"For Sydney!" The red eared slider turtle yelled, leaping up as he made his way down the ramp, passing the food table and going straight to the opposite side ramp, posing in mid air as he goes up. He then drops down, losing his balance on the way, waving his hands to gain back his balance as he passes the table yet again, and as he gain his balance mack he exclaimed smugly grinning. "Oh yeah." Skating his way back up on the ramp that he was on the beginning, spinning the board on his way in the air, losing his grip on the board, sending it away as he grumpily slides down the ramp, arms crossed with a pout.

As Raph and Mikey look over to gaze in time Leo's failure, Raph having his mouth stuffed with a few pizza puffs, they both laughed at the pouting boy while forgetting about the board which bounced one wall to another till it suddenly crashed to a specific electric box, electricity sparking out.

Raph was the first to react, gasping. "The Wi-fi!" He yelled, grabbing the tablet as he sees how the screen only showed  a bad signal static. "Wifi, skating, Raph watch, Donnie fix, Raph happy!" The snappy turtle speaks as he grabbed said brother and shoved the tablet on his arms.

Pushing the eldest brother face away from his, Donnie then exclaimed in panic. "I need pre game. Stats, highlights of past stats, projections of future stats." He tugged the tablet close to his face. "We’re missing the stats, people!"

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