4.- Origami Tsunami

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Down at the sewers at the lair of the turtles, wearing a large pink knit wide collar sweater with black straps on the shoulders, blue tight jeans and a pair of dark brown booties, Eva walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of fresh made homemade popcorn, finding her way to Master Splinter.

Passing by Leo who lay on the couch, book on hand, as Leo noticed her walk pass by, he sent her a wave along with a wink as she blushed with a smile.

"I... I left some snacks at the table if your hungry." She told him, seeing him stand and made his way to her.

Leo grins down at her. "Thanks, sweet cheeks."

Eva face darkens in red hearing her new nickname. "Swe-sweet... Sweet cheeks?!" Eva repeated in case she heard right.

Leo only shrugged walking towards the kitchen in search of said snacks. "What? It fits you well." With that, he left.

Eva put a hand on a cheek, feeling the heat of her face, taking a few breath to calm down.

Knowing that she had calm down, inhaling deeply Eva finally continued her way towards the tunnel that leads to what seems to be the movie, fun room while a suspenseful music plays within the background.

Walking inside, she scans over to living area, where a movie is playing on a giant screen. Next, she sees Splinter who was seated in his easy chair, smiling as he watches a movie, putting the bowl next to him as she was just about to turn and leave but something before her caught her attention.

"Where's our free grub, noodle man?" Was heard from the movie before Raph in popped out of nowhere, in front of the screen and did the exact same movements and mouthing the lines of the characters. "Okay, ha. How 'bout some . . . hot soup?"

Raph then reached out and grips both Donnie's chest and then Mikey, who just sat steps from the screen, the actors on screen yell as they are tossed and Raph tosses his brothers too. Both yelled as they fall face first into two hot noodle soup bowls that were suddenly there, noodles splatter and lands on Splinter's face and Eva's white braggy large sweater.

Eva notices how Master Splinter licks the noodles from his face and sigh in satisfaction of its deliciousness, while Eva just picked the noodle and drop it inside a trash can that was nearby.

"Too spicy for you?" The main character of the movie asked with a laugh. "Everyone's a critic. Hm." Raph re-enacted every move and mouthing correctly.

"Man, Teriyaki Shakedown always gets me so..." Donnie inhales deeply. "Jazzed!" He finished.

"Yeah, Lou Jitsu's the business!" Raph added.

Eva then saw a remote goes flying pass her, through the air and hits Raph straight in the face, knocking him down.

"Raph?!" Eva got worried and went to him, kneeling down to his height in check if he was injured somewhere.

"Then why do you insult the master with your poor technique?" Splinter leaps off from his air chair, spins in the air, and smashes into all three of his sons. "Hot soup!" He yell.

Eva wasn't touched or injured as she could only watch in silence, wincing on the view.

Splinter stands up from his land as the three turtles groan in their hit. "Do not worry. Someday you will be great ninjas with a little practice . . . is something I would say if I were a liar." He assured them and lightly whispered the last part.

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