27.- Late Fee

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A small tired sigh escaped from Eva's lips as she walks down the still busy road of NY, in this place, the streets are always busy at any hours, being daytime or night.

She had to stay late at class to finish up organizing some paperwork due for the next week, and the teacher just had to ask her to stay a bit longer and they could just leave home earlier, leaving all the mess to poor Eva.

Ever since the day that Baron Draxum and his league had kidnapped her, revealing the truth of her origin to the boys, she wasn't comfortable with them as always knowing that the guys now knows that she's actually daughter of their most greatest enemy. Though she hasn't had any kind of contact with him there can never be a moment where she might need to chose between the boys or her father.

As Eva looks down her phone, sensing a light vibe and hearing a small familiar tune. Seeing that someone had just sent a message, tapping the screen to open the message and the screen then changed to the messages app.

'Mikey🧡 has sent a new message' it read, Eva raising a brow tapping the screen to read what was sent.

'Look behind you! >∆<'

Raising a brow, confused on the text, Eva didn't hesitate to halt her steps, turned her body slightly around to look behind her, only for her caramel eyes to widen as an out stretch arm came in view from a fast moving vehicle before she was suddenly swift off her feet.

"Hah! Got her!" A familiar laugh had Eva to snap open her eyes and look up at the kidnapper that still held her secured in his arms.

"M-Mikey?!" Eva gasped in surprise at the grinning turtle, looking around to the rest that were also there, greeting and waving at her, while Donnie was obviously driving, sending a nod at her direction to which as always, she blushed.

With the Turtle Tank driving down the streets of NY at 9 PM, which Eva checked the time, the turtles themselves were wearing their wrestling outfits from last time, much to Eva confusion but decided not to ask for some posible reasons.

"Hey Eva, want to change into your wrestling costume too?!" Mikey then asked the girl as she stood beside Raph, holding onto his chair to not tremble over while the vehicle continues moving.

Eva blinked on the familiar outfit, the hot sensation crawling up her face on remembering her first time wearing it.

Not a second later pasted by as a changed Eva now stood red faced in her wrestling costume, tugging on the cloth to try covering herself, mostly the chest area.

"I'm calling it now, boys and lady." Leo winks at the girl. "This will be our easiest mission ever!"

"Yes!" Raph pumps his fists as he sits in the big red chair that was located in the center of the Turtle Tank.

"Wh-where are we heading t-to?" Eva finally asked, going over Mikey to ask him help with a few loose ends on the back of her outfit which he did happily.

Raph turned to her to answer her curiosity. "Dad told us that, all we have to do is return this one Lou Jitsu DVD he rented us..." He took out a DVD box with said actor's image in the front.

Flashback ~

Splinter held the DVD, Lou Jitsu: Bedtime for Bozos. "...Back to the video store before midnight and I will give you all hugs and, um, I will also throw in-"

The four teens immediately cheered, interrupting their father before he can even finish.

"No take-backs!" Leo called out with a grin.

"Come on, let's get Eva to go with us." Mikey looked at the clock.

Eva was at school with a exam that she needs to do, luckily she only needs to present herself on exams days while taking her classes on online or the teachers could just sent her the subjects and she only need to study them, sent over the works on email or do a video recording on the projects. Being a scholarship straight A student has a few advantage in the academy she attends.... sometimes.

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