19.- Stuck on You

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Eva sighs as she walks out of the personal bathroom she had in her room in the lair, wearing an oversized shirt that gets to her thighs, black stockings but her left stocking was ruffled down her knee. She also held a fluffy towel over her head, avoiding the cold air from hitting her soaked hair.

She walks out of her room and going out to get a glass of water at the kitchen but just as she was about to pass by the lab, which she thought was empty for the moment cause the boys were at the arcade, she jumped in halt suddenly by s shout

"My inventions were meant to do good. Not evil!" Donnie voice yelled from within his lab.

"What have you done to my body! My perfect body!" Leo shouts complained.

Eva peeps inside the lab, nervously looking through the dark room. "D-Donnie? L-Leo?" She calls as she steps inside. "G-guys?"

Eva flinched on the sound of loud heavy steps, freezing in her spot as she felt a presence behind her. Slowly turning her head, over her shoulder as a large, round figure stepped out of the shadows, it's steps booming from a few inches.

Her eyes widen and shook as the large figure got closer and closer to her direction, air stuck in her throat as Eva couldn't get her voice from coming out, scared.

That is...

"Wait! No!"



"Waaah don't cry!"

The large figure which turns out to be the four brothers, head and either an arm or leg of thiers were sticking out, they awkwardly tries calming the teary girl.

"Ah... Please don't cry Eva." Raph tells her as he awkwardly tries patting her head but was only having it waving the air.

Eva sniffed. "Bu-but wha-what happened?"

"Long story short, Raph's fault." Mikey blurted out before letting out a groan. "Why did you do this Raph?" He glared at the snappy turtle over his shoulder.

"You know even for you, this feels like a poorly thought-through idea." Donnie scowled at the eldest brother.

Leo looks over a mirror that was just near by, whining. "Is this what it feels like to have a dad bod." He exclaims, slamming his lift hand which was sticking out on his face in disappointment.

"Calm down." Raph told his whining brothers, surprisedly standing up with the help of Donnie's right foot and Mikey's left foot. "This is gonna be awesome! Being stuck together is gonna force us to work together..." He said with antuiasm with his right arm fisting the air. "As a team." He then wanted to do his usual fist smash but ended up punching Leo's left arm, causing them to nearly loose their balance.

"This is a team building exercise?" Leo asked with an raised brow(mask?).

"H-how are y-you gonna get u-unglued?" Eva then asked, looking at the boys confused as she rounds them, stopping at Leo who stopped her by squishing her cheeks with his free arm, secretly sending a teasing smirk at his twin.

"Relax, I’m sure you have a formula to get us unstuck, Donnie." Raph assured her as he looks over at the softshell turtle.

"Actually, I do not have a formula." Donnie argued back and sent a warning glare at Leo before narrowing his eyes, knowing that he can't stop him for the moment cause of his state. "My FAB spray is still in beta." He mentions.

"FAB?" Both Leo, who let go of the girl's face and she also asked at the same time.

Hearing their curious, Donnie eyes brightens. "F.A.B; Foam agent bonding. It’s state of the art..." And with that Donnie began blabbering on about.

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