20.- Al Be Back

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As each boy wore different music gender outfits, while they stare at their father, Splinter performed them an opera number, which, surprisedly was pretty much beautiful.

"No!" Raph angerly denied, interrupting their father from finishing.

"Oh no... not good." Donnie shook his head on the rat's performance, his twin, Leo face slammed himself with a groan.

"That belongs in a sewer." Mikey added in.

Splinter then drops in his knees, clasping his hands together. "Please my sons. Let me in your band." He plead to his four sons.

"No thanks, we can't groove to... uh this whole situation, big daddy." Raph then said as he changed his voice deep, getting on his character, doing two finger guns and formed then a kind of frame as he peeks between, eyeing his father.

His father stare at him with an raised brow. "You hit your head? Why are you talking like that?" He asked with fist on hip.

"If you want to be soul..." The snappy turtle mentions in his normal voice. "You gotta live soul." He then finished in his deep voice again doing a small dramatic gesture with his hands.

"But, If we need an overbearing manager who robs us blind, we'll give you a call." Leo, who was relaxing on one of the large stereos, grinned down at his father, sending a wink.

Their father frown with a glare. "Okay fine." He said. "I'll just start another family and join their band." He declared before walking away.

Raph then turned to his brothers. "Alright babies, let's boogie down." He continues with his deep low voice. "Our adoring public awaits. Albearto land ain't gonna grand open itself."

"Wait..." Donnie interrupted, looking around in search of something, or someone. "Where's Eva?" He asked.

Leo smirked. "Don't worry she'll be here in a sec, I send her to get ready to accompanied us." He waved him off as Donnie raised a suspicious brow.

"What did you do, Nardo?" Donnie then asked, slightly sending daggers at his twin.

Leo didn't respond and only narrowed his eyes towards the girl's room on the second floor with a mischief grin.

Quick Flashback

Eva was in her room, folding her clothing calmly and listening to a small mix on her laptop, bobbing her head to the rythem.

She was just folding one of her school uniform that she barely wears, till a sudden knock was heard from the wall. Looking at the entrance of the tunnels entrance, as her curtain like door was slightly pulled open by none other then the red eared slider turtle.

"Leo?" Eva called out to the boy as he had a huge toothy grin.

"Heya sweet cheeks!" He greets. "Can I walk in?" He then asked, remembering that he can't just walk in a girl's bedroom like he would usually do to his brothers since, well... She's a girl.

Eva put down her now folded clothing. "S-sure. Enter." She said, gesturing his entery with a palm as the boy did. "D-do you need s-something?"

Suddenly a large bag was stuffed in her view as Leo peeks aside, still holding his huge grin.

Eva titled her head lightly as she looks at the bag then at Leo then back and visa versa. She then, curiously opens it to take a peek inside, her eyes widening and her face deepening in a dark shade of red.

"L-Le-Leo... Leo, wha-what i-is th-thi-this?!"

End of Flashback

Leo accidentally let out a chuckle. "No need to worry." He shrug it off before quickly changing of topic. "Anyway! How did we get this sweet gig again?" He now asked at his softshell twin, who raised a brow but decided to let it slide for now.

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