16.- Hypno! Part Deux!

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An emo boy with piercings and some of his hair dyed red is being filmed at a middle school, with Carly Balmaceda on the scene. "What are we doing at Futterton Middle School, Mr. Scheck?" She holds out the microphone to him and he scoffs.

"Mr. Scheck? What am I, 20? Call me Illusionist Mind-bending Scheck. I'm gonna make this middle school disappear," He wiggles his fingers. "No probbles. It's gonna be way sick, because us kids...don't need school. It's an illusion."

"Kids definitely need school," Carly says to the camera, as she valued education like every other adult does.

"Scheckter piece, now!" He throws down a smoke bomb and when the smoke clears, the building is gone. Everyone cheers, with one student exclaiming 'Oh my god!' in front of the camera.

The video ends there as a gloved hand smashes a phone to pieces. "Those kids want magic, I'll show them a real disappearing act," Hypnopotamus grins evilly. He could do much better than some kid. He has the experience, the style, and...the pizzaz.

April takes a breath as she's standing middle of some trees, Mayhem sitting right next to her. Instead of wearing her usual outfit, April's wearing a yellow dress with a blue belt around her waist, blue earrings, and yellow heels. Tonight was her homecoming dance at school, where every student is invited and are surely wearing their bestest suits-dress.

"Come on, you can do this," She's giving herself a pep talk. "You've fought monsters, been to hidden cities, destroyed robots. You've..." She looks at the banner and balloons decorated her school building entrance, her confidence quickly shot down. "Who are you kidding?" She frowns. "School dances are way more dangerous." She places her hands in her pockets and starts to walk away. She shouldn't have come, how could she do this?

Mayhem senses her hesitation and teleports to her shoulder. "Why am I even here?" He then teleports them both back so that she's facing again the front of the school. Mayhem lands on the ground and swings his arms, placing them on his hips in pride.

"You're right. I can do this. For Taylor, the coolest girl in school." She exclaims before then shooing her pet off. "Time for you to jet. I can't be like Seagull the Lizard Boy. I gotta be cool." He understands as he teleports away.

Finally in her school yard, April looks around and sees how every student was taking pictures and selfis of either their friends together or the decorations as other are just hanging out to chat.

"Now where's Eva, she's supposed to meet me here..."

As if being answered, Eva just appeared in her view, wearing a very beautiful yet cute dress, perfectly for someone like her. Her hair was curled in the tips, being tied into a side ponytail with a peachy colored roses pinned. She also wore a very light makeup, light pink eyeshadow on the edges of her eyes, barely noticeable behind her curled long lashes, glitter over her already blushing pink cheeks and a faded pinkish red lips.

 She also wore a very light makeup, light pink eyeshadow on the edges of her eyes, barely noticeable behind her curled long lashes, glitter over her already blushing pink cheeks and a faded pinkish red lips

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