26.- Abomination Pt.1

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Ps: Sorry for the very long wait since my last update, I'm having a hard time coming with ideas and sadly losing my touch in writing, I also having a hard time on wanting to continue to write or even read something since, as some of you may or may not have known but I already have a child who's now 2 years yet I NOW  just had my Second child who's now just 1month. So some may already guessed that I barely have enough time of myself and I'm barely have a small amount of time to even grab my phone to write/edit/publish something and I'll also have less as soon I'll be going back to work which it'll be to 7-16hrs, then having to pick the kids from their nanny and going home to do the daily wife duties ':)

So before any due delay...
Enjoy the chapter :3



Not a single sound nor light could be seen in that place, not a single living thing could be seen in sight or anything moving.

Only emptiness.

That is, till a sudden thud was heard as the sound slowly began to get louder louder till that slight thud turned into rustling, then into a rumble till it continues as a small speck of blinding light shines inside the darkness, and it slowly gets bigger as what seemed and heard as falling peddles crumbles down around the new found light.

Before a pair of large hands reached out of nowhere grabbed into the sides, gripping tightly on the edges and with that person's strength, pulled the remaining peddles that resulted as larger size borders, causing the hole to double it's size till the sight of strange and different dark shadow figures pop from the other side.

One by one the figures peeked inside the newly made gap.

"We found it!"

A slim men was hunched over a rock hard wall, an arm stuffed inside the hole made by him as he tries guiding his hand blindly inside to search for something that was located inside. His other comrades huddling behind, curious in their expression as they try peeking over his shoulder, wondering if the men actually found it.

The person's face light up on feeling a smooth surface touch his fingertips, having to squish a side of his face onto the wall as to reach deeper and successfully grab onto the newly discovered object.

"I got it! I got it!" He cheered, pulling his arm out and showed a very ancient old box, it had a japanese kind of appearance by its unique obvious hand made cravings around it, it also had a bunch of ancient talismans wrapped around, surprisedly they still were in good continue despise the many years.

As the men and those around cheer and whooped on the found treasure, as other figures walk pass the crowd, pushing them aside to make their way to the men holding the box.

Being a tall light tanned men, wavy ginger locks neatly pulled back in a low messy bun, his green eyes hid behind his round glasses. He wore his explorer outfit elegantly as a small bag hand over his side, a small book in hand as he glance down at the proud employee.

Sensing his presence, the crowd quiet down as they moved out of way, making path for their boss to get a better look in the found lost object. His green eyes having a hidden glint on the sight of the box, exactly similar to the image that he had seen some time ago, not once had the image left his mind.

Seeing how the employee spotted the male, immediately out stretching his arms to hand over the found object, and also having a hopeful gaze in his eyes as he awaits some kind of reward from the tanned men.

But instead, without any kind of warning, a gun shot was then heard in the middle of the crowd, gasps could be heard from some the rest as each one of them witness how their fellow comrade falls down hard on the cold hard ground, lifeless.

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