10- The Fast And The Furriest

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Eva was just entering in the lair, bags of groceries in hand, leaving the large metallic doors open since she wouldn't have a chance in closing them alone, making her way towards the kitchen.

"Eva! You arrived?!" Donnie shout was heard out of the kitchen.

Eva place the bags on the counter. "Y-yes." She didn't think in yelling as that she might think that they may say how rude of her.

A ruckus was heared out of the kitchen as Eva was just about to take the grocery out of the bags, looking towards the door confused before in a split second, Donnie appeared from the corner.

"D-Donnie? What's wro- Kyaaa?!" Eva was interrupted half way being lefted off her feet by Donnie who held her bridal style.

"No time! Come with me!" He says as he dashed out and towards the garage where the other three turtles stood also.

Donnie, placing Eva right between his brothers as he stood in front, having a wide prideful expression while standing in front of a tall large curtains, covering whatever is hidden the other side . "Brethren and love of mine, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my merit skills united in one glorious enterprise. Gentleman behold the-" Donnie started

"Is it the drill?" Leo then interrupted his twin, smirking. "Is it that you made when we were fighting those silverfish.

"No." Donnie slouched, his excited and proud expression dropping. "That's still in beta." He quickly says at his brother, slightly irritated of him for interrupting him.

"Lame!" Raph expressed with a toothy grin, teasing his brother for not finishing one of his inventions to which he always seems to have completed.

Donnie then tried to explain. "But this is better! Much, much better!" He expressed with a grin, before he then spun around, getting next to the rest, string in hand as he ready himself to reveal his newest creation. "I give you the-"

Mikey then cut him off, finishing his sentence. "Is it an even cooler, even bigger drill!?" He excitedly says as he jumps beside Eva who was taking out her phone, feeling a sudden vibration by an incoming message.

Eva couldn't read it in time till Donnie then snapped at the youngest. "No! Not a drill!" He then quickly raised a hand in front of them, stopping them from speaking any further. "This is the biggest surprise." He then took his tech Bo, pointing it behind him before he finally pulled in the string, facing the five to see their reaction. "Ta-stinkin-da!" He exclaimed.

"U-um... D-Donnie?" Eva was the first to speak, pointing nervously behind her partner before Mikey then spoke up next

"Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing!" Mikey cheered jumping in his spot.

"Huh?" Donnie expression changed from antuiasm to a confused one, pausing as he process on what the box turtle just said.

"I'm so proud of you!" Mikey cooed with proudness at the softshell.

Spinning around to check , in hope that his brother was joking, but unfortunately for him, he wasn't. "What? Where did it go?!" He asked out, hands holding his head tightly, falling on his knees.

Eva brows frown in concern as she makes her way to the kneeling turtle, crouching down to his level, hand in a knee, patting his shoulder.

"I build us an amazing vehicle out of the moon buggy." He explained, slamming his fist on the metallic floor. "Who stole our turtle tank?!" He yelled in agony.

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