28.- Bullhop

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Blinking, Eva woke up at an early morning, hearing her phone going off by an upcoming call.

Rolling to her side, she reached out for her phone that rested over the small furniture next to her bed, turning her night lamp on as it lightly brightens her room.

Still being half asleep, Eva couldn't read the ID of the caller, simply pressing the green button if answer, raised a bit her upper body to lean it lazily over an arm.

"H-hello?..." She answered, placing the device near her ear, letting the caller to speak from the other side. But as Eva heard the caller faint voice from across the call her half asleep eyes shot wide open, shock on knowing who it was. "Wha... Wh-why did you-?"

A few hours later~

Right at the Grand Nexus Hotel, aka Big Mama place, the four turtle brothers were waiting nearby a building roof for something, or someone, in the alley nearby.

"Purple Rain, do you see the target?" Raph asks through the radio but noticed that the purple turtle doesn't answer immediately, lowering his goggles. "Purple Rain?" He called out again.

Donnie goggles zoom in on a shop. "As we pan across the asphalt savanna, we find the noble Bullhop," His goggles close in on a familiar bull mutant as Donnie speaks as if he's in a nature documentary.

The bull was the very same one that was mutated at Big Mama's hotel when the boys first arrived there, in the mission of capturing the large amount of oozequitos that were found but ended up having a human being effected by one of their sting.

The mutant bellhop seems to be lurking around the alley, using his nose to smell for something.

"Survival in these cruel streets will require harnessing all of his fine-tuned natural instincts." Donnie continued with his narration.

Bullhop gasps sharply, slowly stepping out onto the sidewalk but steps on a banana peel that just happens to be lying around and slips, hitting against a taxi, then the sidewalk and into a pile of trash. Snapping out of it, the bull screams when all the car alarms and the building lights go off around and a few flashlights pointed at him directly.

"Oh boy." He mutters, taking off into the alley, his foot stuck inside a garbage can as he lands in a dumpster.

"The king of the vertical felt will go hungry again."

"Donnie!" Raph shouts into his microphone at his ear. "Quit messing around. Where is the target?" He demanded.

Pouting, Donnie presses an annoyed finger to his ear. "Why must you always put science on the backburner?!" He sighs slowly to calm himself down. "Bullhop is in the alley by Big Mama's hotel, ya happy?"

As he ended the connection, a slight vibration was felt on his wristband, seeing the screen lightening off shortly. Tapping the screen to see as an upcoming call was coming as Eva ID pop up.

She said that she'll go shopping early in the morning. Answering, he spoke through the mic. "You're speaking with Donatello."

"D-Donnie, just want to i-inform you that I j-just got out of the tailor store a-and am now my way b-back." The girl's voice spoke through the speaker.

"You found what is needed?"

"Y-yeah, I also picked up th-the outfits that you guys asked for your n-next mission. Though, R-Raph's well take m-more time to get r-ready."

"Mm, affirmative, I'll inform the guys right after finishing things up here then."

"U-um, I'll be taking a quick visit t-to ... Someone r-really quick."

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