24.- Hot Soup: The Game

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In the lair, the turtles are watching a commercial using Donnie's tablet, as usual, moments later Eva walks in while reading a unique magazine about the newest uniforms and upcoming activities of her school along with other designs and thought in gaining a few designs.

"Action star Lou Jitsu is back, in Hot Soup: The Game!"

Donnie gets startled on feeling a sudden weight on his shell, but later relaxed on feeling how that person then retreated back almost immediately, knowing too well who it might be, mentally reminding himself to not let a chuckle out before his brothers began asking questions.

'Lou Jitsu sniffs some soup, sighing in delight right before it's taken away from him. He's wearing overalls over his regular outfit. He gasps, turning around to see that it was one of his villains.

"Ha ha! Your soup is mine!" Using the elevator, he ascends to the top, Lou Jitsu pointing up at him.'

The school's games are coming up?... Sigh. I almost forgotten about that. Eva cutely pout on the article on a page as the list shows the many games and activities that'll be doing and that every student and class MUST participate.

"I will fight my way up to you, boss level!" The hero declares, turning to some other enemies.

"60 levels of chop socky violence!"

Lou Jitsu punches a construction worker, kicking another before he grabs the three of them. "Hot soup!" He spins around and throws them into a mixer. They're spun around and Lou Jitsu holds out the game cartridge.

Scaring the poor girl from her deep thoughts, the turtles all gasp in awe, the youngest of the four eyes shining in delight.

"Lou Jitsu was in a video game?!" Donnie asks in disbelief.

"We gotta get it, we gotta get it! Eva, if you pay, can we get an IOU?" Mikey turned to the girl who looks over her magazine at him.

She softly smiles. "I-I don't mind, I-I'm sure you'll th-think on something to r-repay me back." She says as she knows that the boy will look rock bottom for anything that may be great as repayment.

"Aw yeah!" He cheered and quickly grabbed into the tablet, Donnie not much bothered on the boy snatching his tablet from him, scrolling through it. "Accessing worldwide intertubes,.." Mikey went into EBay, mumbling every object that appears on screen.

Eva felt how the turtle who's shell's she's, unconsciously, was leaning on shuffle a bit in his spot, ended up flopping his head down on her lap, surprising the girl with her usual reaction all bashful and embarrassed as the teen just casually scroll through his phone on media.

"Oh, here it is! Lou Jitsu's Hot Soup: The Game. Montes Auction House. Buy it now! Click!" Mikey happily presses Buy to make sure it goes through. "Oh baby! We are the proud owners of one very old, mint condition copy of Hot Soup: The Game!" The youngest cheered.

"Wait a minute," Raph looks at him skeptically as he recalls something, unfortunately about to cut the boy's celebration short. "You bought it at an auction house? How are we gonna pick it up with uh...this whole situation?" Raph then waves a hand around his face, gesturing to the fact that they're mutant turtles.

"That's not your problem." Mikey holds up a finger, jerking it to himself. "Cause I'm gonna go get it. Myself."

"WHAT?!" Raph's eyes widen in panic. "By yourself?! Are you out of your ooze-twisted mind?" The eldest says to the youngest.

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