First A&Q!!!!!!!

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*appears in a large leather chair with a huge badass sunglasses*

"Why~ jello my dearest!.... Aaagh I can't see!!" *Throws sunglasses and puts on her usual glasses* "Oof, much better~"

Big bro: "that literally cost me MX50..." *Kneels with broken glasses*

*Ignores* "Anywho.... Just I had promised....

I'll be now do an Answer & Question mini chaaaaaaaaasap!!!!"

Lil sis: *hold onto script while leaning sideway on camera* "although only few had commented..." *Glares at Author* "this better be good or you'll pay for having me miss out my date with the girls."

*Sweat drops* "I-I'll buy you a new set of clothes..."

Lil sis: "make it five and a Starbucks."

*Anime cry* 'dont have much choice do i.'

Let's began with the questions!!!

*Reaches over and pulls down a rope that magically appears beside her*

*Red curtain rises and shows riseTMNT, April and Eva on different colored chairs*

*Readers cheer and claps*

*Author appears next the to boys wearing a suit all of the sudden*

"Now the first few questions are for one for each and it's from... Isabella182615 ... thank you dearly~"

"First to go is Donnie!!"

D: *sighs* "Continue."

Q: For Donnie, What do you like most about Eva?

D: *thinks* 'lets make this fast' her warmth and her facial reaction on each kiss or hug we share.

E: *blushes*

Q: For Eva: What do you like about Donnie the most?

E: *blushes madly and looks away* "W-we...well... His g-great effort t-to show that h-he w-wants to b-be i-in a-a r-re-relationship wi-with me."

"Oh my this also has a second question..."

Q: Also for Eva, What has been your favorite date spot?

*Everyone stays silent then turn to Donnie*

D: *looks away, clearing throat*

*Everyone gasp hard*


*Author reads next question* ••• oh dear...

Q: For Leo, is your favorite color blue?...

L: Well, since you mentioned it, it's actually-

... Bc you blue my mind with your looks ;)

L: ••• *blushes* •\\∆\\•

Q: For Ralph, Rate your stuff animales from 1-5.

R:  Oh man, that's a tough one... Uh... *Turns towards his stuffed toys, picking one then another* you... No no... Maybe you?... Nah.. oh, its-nah...

*Stares at Raph* yeah... This gonna take a while... NEXT QUESTION!!!!

Q: For Mikey: What's your favorite art type? (Ex. Painting, drawing, digital, animation...)

M: ohmigosh! A question for me too!?! Ohohoh!! *shakes hands in air* My answer's gonna be Graffiti cause I think it makes my art look more rad and awesome!! But I do also sketch most of the time too!

Q: Now for April: how d you deal with the brothers on almost daily basis? I wanna know your secret.

A: damn, I also asked myself that question every time too... *Chuckles* well, I guess I just go along with the flow, cause heh, I mean who wouldn't want a different type of adventure crazy and fun moment with these psychos?

*Turns to the camera* Welp, that's all for now! Thank you all for your time for this short chap of our very first A&Q. See you all till next time and please continue reading more of 'I'm a Mess', more chapters coming soon and please continue with your lovely votes and comments (I just adore reading each one of them:3)

I'll be waiting for more questions that you wish to be answered and hope you enjoyed this!!

See ya soon lovely potato's!!!!!

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