6.- War and Pizza

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Eva stood in the kitchen of Albearto's Pizzeria, apron on and hair tied in a high ponytail as she shoves in a tray in the fire place oven.

Hearing the kitchen door then open, She looks over to see Abril walk in, head down while she clip in her name tag onto her shirt.

"Ah, and there!" She grins and did a small pose.

Eva giggled and reached over to grab a towel and wipe the flour off her hands. "Is everything ready for the big event?" She asks her.

"Hell yeah! Everything is in place! You're talking with the best Party Captain O'Neil!" Pointing a thumb to herself while Abril slammed a hand on a counter.

Eva then laughed. "Ah, yes! Your totally right, Captain." Eva frases the word with a look as both girls then laugh together.

"Haha, anyway, thanks again for coming over and helping me here." Abril then thanked. "The kitchen chef got a flu and the boss asked for someone to take in his place for the night and I immediately thought of you without even thinking if you were actually busy or not." She then apologized, throwing herself onto the shorter girl.

Shaking her head, Eva smiled. "It's okay, I was just finishing my homework and just did Splinter his snack buffet for his shows of the day." She mentions, lightly patting her head till suddenly she decide to pull one of her cheeks. "Even though, I was just used in one of your mischievously plans." Eva face stayed calmed but her voice did changed a bit which sent a shiver down on her friend's spine.

"A-ah... Ha... Haha! I arreawy aporogiz." Abril tried saying, her cheek being pulled.

Eva eventually let go and turned around to check on the pizza, putting on a mitten which had the pizzeria logo and look inside the oven, reaching out to grab the tray, carefully with a giant wooden spatula.

"Anyway, how's it going with Donnie?" The spatula almost turned in Eva grip, almost dropping the fresh made pizza from the tray.

Regaining again her grip, Eva turned to her shoulders at the other, red faced and shuttering. "E-every.... Everything's fine!" She placed the heated tray on a counter, avoiding Abril teasing grin as Eva continues with her stuff. "He... He has been attentive and ongoing on how he should behave with this."

"So, you guys aren't dating?"

"Can't say we are since we are just knowing a bit more about each other and this is like an experiment, as I just explained to you a few days ago."

"But you can't also say you aren't, since you just confessed each other."

"... Correct."

"I'm still surprised that you offered something like that, knowing that you are being used in a experiment so he can decide whether truly accept his feelings or not. Man, I would have beaten him up already just thinking about it."

Eva sighs with a smile. "It's okay for me, as long as he is confident that he wants to give it a chance and not being forced to... Not everyone can accept their feelings to just anyone." She sadly say.

Abril let out a sigh. "Ah, your right... Anyhow, ya heard anything from Samuel?"

Eva suddenly stopped on what she was doing for a second but shook it off and continued. "No, not a word since that day but I don't think he's gonna stay quite any longer." Eva turned, fresh sliced pizza tray on hand, she turned around towards Abril and handed the tray to her.

"Remember, if that bastard ever pop before you, just give me call and I'll go O'Neil style on him!" Abril smirked with a wink.

Eva laughs. "Haha, I'll keep that on mind."

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