21.- The Purple Jacket

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The clock hits 12'o clock, the school bell rings loudly, doors of each classroom bursts opens as the students roam around the school yard and halls. A group of students were texting each other, despise being hist a few inches far from the other till a sudden figure stood beside them.

Donnie, who was disguised in a large purple hoodie, awkwardly grins at the group before he then sneaks away, making his way towards the school building entrance then made his way inside towards the classroom that his human friend April had indicated him to meet her.

The Computer Lab.

There, the two pigtails girl was sitting on one of the seats, typing down on s laptop while she was working on a project which she seems to be having trouble.

"Psst April." She then heard the familiar softshell voice in a hush whisper along with three shuriken thrown next to her.

'I'm. Here. !'

April then looks up at the ceiling where the thrown shuriken had came from before she then let out a surprise gasp, seeing Donnie gripping on the edges of the lights.

Donnie then noticed something familiar at the corner of his eye as he look over at the entrance, eyes widening before he loses his balance and falls down.

"Hi Donnie." April greeted then looks over where he was looking to cause him lose balance only to chuckle in tease.

There, Eva was just walking in the room as she held a cup holder with three drinks. She had a bad girl like outfit with a black leather jacket over a forest green long hoodie that gets just below her thighs. Two different stockings as the left one was black with a few tear holes, the right one had white stripes and was ruffled down her ankles. She had black combat boots and her hair was also picked up in a messy bun with a few bangs decorating the side of her face.

April smirks. "Like what you see? I choosed that new look on her." She threw a thumb at herself with pride. "Bad girl yet an innocent face... Might come in handy someday." She chuckles seeing how the turtle stumble back up on his feet, still dumbfounded on the girl's new appearance.

Finally arriving where the duo were, Eva placed the cup holder with the three drinks next to April.

"G-got the drink you a-asked for, April." Eva smiled her usual timid smiles.

April grinned and nodded to her to take a seat while turning back to the still blushing turtle. "Anyway, thanks for coming, Donnie."

Shaking his head to ease down the heat of his face. "No probbles." He then pulled in a chair and sat down on it backwards, obviously hiding himself. "I love this place." He then inhaled deep as he stood up in a flash. "Smells like learning and puberty!" He exclaimed with open arms, earning shushes from the students around.

Eva giggled at his childish actitud. "Bu-but you might n-need to keep i-it down, D-Donnie." She advised him.

"Oh yeah, got it!" Donnie grinned widely with a wink before turning back to the other girl. "So what do you need help with?" He finally asked as he sat back down on the wheel chair.

"My computer science project." April told him as she type down something on the keyboard, the screen scrolling everything that she had typed down from now. "Just need you to check the code to make sure I haven’t missed anything." She mentions as Donnie took her place.

"Ah!" he sighed in a dreamy tone, typing down. "You don’t know how lucky you are to be in school April. Surrounded by true intellectuals. Scholars after my own heart, resplendent in gorgeous purple satin jackets- Wait!" He suddenly stopped and turned to a different direction beside the computer screen.

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