23.- Smart Lair

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At a small motel, inside one of the rooms, #3, was darkness inside as the lightbud barely giving any light to brighten the room, but with the shine light coming through the curtains by the window, give a bit more light yet barely helpful to see through what's inside.

A double bed with just a white sheet but with stains which it is not necessary to think that they could be. A blanket neither too thick nor too thin, perfect to avoid the cold inside the small room and also to not give so much heat while you sleep. It also has a simple pillow.

On the opposite side where the bed was, there was a small cabinet with three drawers, for those who wanted to store clothes. An old television that has a bad channel reviewer, only giving static. Near the front door, just below the large window, was an armchair that looked surprisingly recently purchased.

The bedroom also had a private bathroom with tub and lavero included.

Not wanting to sleep on the bed, Eva had slept on the couch, considering the condition of the sheets and their smell...Eva preferred to sleep on the couch, no matter what back and neck pain she might have.

Ever since that night in pizza week, Eva had been staying in the motel to avoid seeing the boys, especially Donnie since she wanted some space alone and gain time to think. Luckily she still had cash in her personal credit card but she also was thinking in gaining a job in case she were to ran out of money.

Right at the moment, Eva was just wondering around the small room as she looks through her phone, texting Mikey as she looks towards the fully tidy bed, a single plastic bag lay over the mattress as the object inside brings curiosity to those, wondering what it had inside.

As she finished sending a message to Mikey, saying that she'll be returning today but will still be taking her distance from the softshell for a bit longer.

Don't worry! I'll tell the guys and help you keep Donnie his distance tell you're ready :D'

As she read the message, Eva let out a sigh, hand over her head as her fingers drive through her locks.

"I can't seem to hate him." Her voice came out in a quiet whisper.


Eva made her way to the end of the ladders down the sewers, luckily Donnie had places solar energy lightbuds to see through the darkness.

Being only a few steps to the bottom, she stops as the thought of meeting Donnie comes in mind, how would he react, well he be mad on her leaving, not responding neither his calls or messages?

Eva mind was getting filled with images on the type of reaction that he might make...


"Eh?... Oh." Eva looks down, noticing that she had somehow got to the bottom of the steps, turning around as she begins her way to the lair.

As she was getting close, muffles slowly was heard meaning that she was getting close till the muffles turn to whispers then words could clearly be heard as she finally arrived at the entrance of the turtle's lair.

"Eateth they words." Eva halted her hand halfway from opening the doors.

"You always say that but we never do." It was Raph's voice. "Not amusing Leo."

"Relax bud, Just saving ya from another epic fail. It's all good." And then Leo's..

Knowing that Mikey was with them, Eva closes her eyes tightly, inhaling deeply then pushes the doors open. As she steps inside she found all four boys in a middle of a very messy lair.

"Despite your juvenile antics and complete lack of faith,..." Donnie says as he activates something that seems to be sitting on a table. "I give you all Shelldon!".

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