9.-Down with the Sickness

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At the underground of the sewers in the turtles' lair, where the brothers were in their arcade, which Eva still haven't gone to yet since she didn't wanted to disturb the boys.

Eva walks pass Master Splinter room, that is till she heard something inside, curious, she turned back and walked towards the master room, knocking on the door but as she waits for a reply, worried she walks in to check in the rat mutant.

"Ma-master Splinter?" She calls out and look around till she caught a small hump on the bed, hearing weird yet familiar sounds coming underneath the covers. "Master Splinter, is everything okay?"

Eva make her way close and picks the cover up, seeing the mutant there laying face up, he's breathing was uneven and he had a blush over his cheeks and sweats all over his face.

Gasping she lay the back of her hand over his forehead before she retreated it back quickly. "Yo-your burning up!" She said and stood up, tucking him with his blankets neatly. "I'll be Ri-right back, I'll go get some medicine a-and some herbs." She says and turned around. "Don't move t-till I get back, o-okey?" She tells him and only got a thumbs up from him before she quickly left the room.

She went to her room and changed into a yellowish dress blouse with three buttons in the center and a plain black skirt with straps having one hang down her hips and a pair of white stocking and dress doll shoes.

Eva went over to her purse and phone dashed out from her room and to the door out, forgetting to inform the Brothers of her visit to the Pharmacy.

Thumping techno music plays within the arcade room as Raph follows the patterns on the dancing machine with ease as both Leo and Mikey watch from behind.

Raph grunts. "Yeah, all right. Get 'em. Ooh, ahh." He grins at the screen.

Leo smirks at the older brother. "I don't think he's got this."

Mikey frowns at his brother words. "Hey! Leave him alone."

"What? I'm just saying he doesn't have this." Leo shrugged.

Raph began to sweat as the arrows slowly began to speed up. "You're just trying to get in my head." He scroll his brother not taking his eyes off the screen.

Donnie then popped out from behind and peek over the snappy turtle shoulder as he gasp. "Oh, my peaches and cream, he just doubled." He mentioned.

Raph continues as he grins at the machine screen. "Rag! Now!" He shout out.

Mikey leans over and uses a rag to wipe the sweat from Raph's brow. "Have I ever told you how big and beautiful you are?" He says in a dreamy tone.

"No, but thank you."

Donnie then came near the screen to get a better look. "Uh, he is about to set a new high score. I can't watch, but I can't not watch!"

"You know what they say about big-time moments?" Leo says as he pushed down Donnie.

Raph did some squats and jumps. "Yes, I do. They say that in big-time moments, leaders make..."

"Brain!" A yell suddenly came from somewhere behind them as the boys look back, Raph having to halt.

"Game Over." The machine announced seeing that Raph had stopped moving, losing the game.

"Ow, my brain!" The boys witnesses their Master aka father clutching his head in pain, shrieking at the sight of him.

"No! Why?" Donnie yelled.

Splinter inhales sharply and then sneezes weakly, his appearance being very ill and weak.

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