14.- Bug Busters

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"Donnie I need an update." Mikey said, wearing an orange colored space like suit with an bug crossed tag on the shoulder.

His brothers also wore the same suit but with their respective colors while Eva had a hot pink tone.

"Okay one more time. Baron Draxum created ooze and put it in carrier bugs that bite people and turn ‘em into mutants. And for some reason it’s up to us to stop the whole situation." Donnie explained then noticed a presence behind him, assuming it to be Eva obviously, glancing over his shoulder and as corrected as always, his human couple stood behind him with her usual confused expression.

He hates to admit on how cute she looks, as curious as a kitten, her mouth would also form into a small cute triangle.

"No, I need an update for my phone." Mikey exclaimed, interrupting the purple soft shell thoughts and stare, glaring at the youngest.

"Focus!" Raph says. "The new hotel is full of oozesquitoes." He informed. "We’re suited up, so let’s get down to business!" He said as they pulled up to the building.

As the boys exit the turtle tank, Leo stopped in his tracks, noticing how Eva had stopped and stare instantly at the huge tall building.

"Hey, Eva." He called to her, returning back to her side. "Might need to hurry so that we can finish this quickly and get home. What's wrong?" He then asked, noticing her uneasy stare.

Eva shook her head, as though she was in a deep thought that caused her to sweat a few drops inside her suit. "I... I don't kn-know. It's just th-that this h-hotel seems o-oddly f-familiar..."

Leo raised a brow and turn to the building. "Really now?"

"I-its may sound s-silly bu-but this place, i-its gi-giving me bad v-vibe." She shyly says as Leo looks down at her.

"Well, we can't leave just now and leave the oozquitos loose..." He pointed out much to the girl's disappointment having her to frown. "But I can agree to you about this place." He then mentioned taking the girl to stare surprise at him. "So, if anything happens..." He suddenly grabbed her small gloved hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'll make sure to keep you safe."

Eva couldn't help but blush at the turtle, feeling her heart skip a beat on seeing his grin of trust as she also nodded with a relief smile too.

"Thank you, N-Neon."

The two regroup with the others as Donnie look down at Eva with concern, noticing that she was with his twin, seeing that she had a weird look on her face but Leo assured that everything was okay and shrug it off, Donnie patting the girl suited head as he had handed Raph a racket and Mikey a stick with two honey figure on the tips.

The group then bursted through the front door by Raph kicking them down, they gasping in shock in seeing the lobby filled with oozquitos from each corner.

So this is how an oozquito looks like close up. Eva thought as one of them flew close by her face.

"Okay bugs, it's just you and us!" Raph yelled with a pose.

"And me!" The group of teens jump on the sudden voice, turning to where it came from only to be shock on seeing a bellhop male, behind the counter, still in his human form.

Leo quickly slide close to the male. "Do not fear sir. We are unlicensed amateurs and we have this situation mindly controlled." He informed, swapping a few oozquitos from his view.

The bellhop boy stare at Leo head and down with a disgust look. "Your skin's all green." He pointed out.

Eva then made her way to the two. "I-its everything alright, L-Leo?" She asked, getting beside the boy as the bellhop got a glimpse of her.

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