Short A/N

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Why jelo everybody!!!

How have you all been?

Well, as some of you mayhave already known, I just had my second child and with my first child barely 2 years, I'ma gonna have a hard time finding time to either writing/typing or updating new chapters.

But just know that I'll do my best to continue updating as much till the end.


I want to say that I just found out on a "channel" on YouTube of a small gang of four person's which they do the usual childish vids for kids.

D Billion

I gotta say in my personal (motherly) opinion that it's a good show. Not only do these guys show the kids the difference of some things and new words and stuff...

but thanks to them, my first child (2years) began eating well as he learned on how to say whenever he's hungry or not, how to share his stuff to others, learned new words...

Hah I'll even say that he also began to sing and dance along which I might add that he's quite active and very playful at times.

He even has his own sleeping hour which I'm VERY grateful >~<


Here I'll leave an image on ow Eva's wrestler outfit is like :)

Kinda cute if you ask me hahahaha

Well then I'll be going for now~

Have a wonderful time and please continue voting, commenting my dears~♥

Love you all >3•

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