25.- Evil League of Mutants

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At a bio dome in plane daylight, the turtles were getting their shells/butt kicked, while the four turtle brothers were all being hit one by another by a sudden pair of large orange like claws, striking and sending them sliding across towards each other on the ground.

"Okay..." Raph turns to his groaning brothers who lay on the ground with him. "That did not go as planned." He mutters awkwardly making the rest to stare at him blankly.

"Maybe not the result you wanted..." Donnie then speaks up. "But the result I expected." He said grinning while putting a hand on his chest.

"Hey Don, haven't you said that you'll be seeing Eva after class?" Mikey then asked lightly lifting himself up with his elbows.

In an instant Donnie's eyes widen in realization. "Oh shoot!" He shot himself up. "We're supposed to go to the history museum for a homework of hers." He gasped, lightly slapping his forehead.

As the team were thinking of what was going on, two large figure with a pair of yellow glowing eyes stare at the group within the bushes from afar. At this point, the brothers were already back on their feet, not sure on what to do next.

"We're getting our butts kicked on an everything level." Raph says.

"We've gotta do something to help. They are scaring everyone out of the bio dome, and you know what a fan I am of experiential learning!" Donnie declares with determination as Raph rubs a temple, trying to concentrate on a solution.

"Come on, Raph! Think of something useful!" The snappy turtle encourages himself, but as nothing came in mind, he ended up growling to himself in frustration.

Both Leo and Donnie turned giving the eldest looks.

"I'm sorry, did you just say that out loud?" Leo asks knowingly with a teasing smirk, walking up next to his brother, Raph looking away sheepishly.

Mikey, being the whole time behind the rest, pops his head from over Raph's shoulder, sniffs the air as the rest notice this.

"Do you smell that?" The youngest turtle then asked as the rest also sniffs the air too, their eyes widening in shock as two shadows jump out from behind them, laughing.

"Duck!" Donnie warns and everyone jumps out of the way, except Mikey, who had an orange claw in hand, expecting it.

"More like Crab!" The box turtle screamed, leaping to his right as a large mutant figure lands on the ground, along with another alike.

Both turns out to be mutant crabs, both wearing a light blue matching leotards with a crab claw in the center as a symbol. One of them had dark messy hair while the other one was bald.

"Ho ho ho! Step one of our plan!..." One of them, being the one with hair, spoke first. "Disrupt the school field trip." He grins in a chuckle.

"Step two..." The other crab speaks up. "Strike a pose." His partner then balances on his head using a claw, each posed differently yet similar.

The four teens just stare at them as they strike another pose. "We are nailing this production!" They say.

Unknown for the teens, before the crab duo were mutant, they once belonged in a circus crew.

After a while, the crab duo continue striking more different poses before one of them, being the bald one, was suddenly sent away by a sudden small figure flashing passed them in a blink of an eye, having his face being kicked hard that it sent him flying almost a meter or two away from the rest.

Wearing still her cream/tanned like colored uniform still, Eva swiftly lands on her feet with a light thud. With her pair of half magnet colored eyes, she faced the direction of where the mutant went flying before turning her head to the other.

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