7.- Newsworthy

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Recording like scenary

Scene starts off with a static black screen, then the wavy lines of a viewing screen being turned on.

The screen began focusing on Eva from Afar, zooming close, just outside the grocery store, a few bags in hand and looking down her phone, seeming to be typing something, wearing a Sunday dress.

Sigh. "Such a beauty." A voice close to the recording says in a dreamy like tone.

The screen then turned off to static and came back with a different scenario.

The scene shows how 4 turtle mutants fight off a giant robot, Raph over its back, Leo piercing his weapon on one of its legs, Mikey trying to tie him down and Donnie ready to launch.

"Let me start at the beginning. I first met the turtles,

The picture still on the turtles fighting a robot, Donnie turning his techno-Bo into a drill.

"...In a battle that raged on for hours."

The recording still of the battle.

"Since that first battle, I knew..."

Still showing a video of the battle against a large robot.

"That's not me, I'm over there!!" He mysterious person then yelled.

Playback whirs, camera shifts to a small pink worm, sitting atop a railcar, with a blonde large hair style.

"Prepare to taste the awesome wrath of my incredible...." He then squeaks as Donatello lands on top of him and squashes him.

The video ends and shifts to a new one, where the turtles are battling living mutant bowling pins in a bowling alley. The same worm mutant standing in the foreground of the screen.

"I knew after this first fantastical battle we would meet again..." Bowling pin lands on him.

Video shifts to a different scenario.

"...And again." The mutant stands on top of a building and a soccer ball lands on him. The turtles running across the top of the building.

"For I am Warren Stone, former number one news anchor..."

The scene picture shifts to image of battered Warren, standing in front of large letters spelling his name.

Shifts to one of him holding an award statue as confetti rains down.

"...and the greatest foe of..." He was now standing on the faucet of a bathroom sink, kissing the mirror image of himself.

"... The Teenage Mutant Loser Turtles."

The playback stops as the worm mutant now knows as Warren, jumps in front of television screen an Oozesquito flies past his award, which is sitting on a kitchen counter a video recorder on a stand facing Warren.

He laughs devilishly. "Ha-ha!" He then looks down at his mini watch and notices the time. "Uh . . . mm?" Warren then gasped. "Ooh, I'm late."

He then leaps onto the counter, falling face flat and quickly got up as he presses a button on the TV remote control. The TV turns on, showing a news broadcast channel showing a brown haired women on screen.

"I am Carly Balmaceda filling in for the completely forgotten Warren Stone." The mutant then frown at the woman on screen. "The search for missing hypnotist, Mezmer-Ron, and his hippopotamus, Doug, continues." The screen shows an oozequito flying close to said man who was in a middle of a show. "In unrelated news, a monster hippo in a magician's tuxedo is terrorizing local magicians, and stealing their trick animals. And with no animals, there's no magic." The onscreen shows people sobbing in front of a closed magic theatre.

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