22.- Pizza Pit

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'It all started with a scratch.
The moon fill like a big pile of pizza, and that can only mean one thing...'

Banners with the only words 'Pizza Week' was hanged over all New York, people of all ages eating their favorite type of pizza either inside or out of their favorite restaurant or fastfood place.

'Pizza Week'.

The seven days where everyone can enjoy time with their loves ones by chatting over a large pie one of the famous Italian dishes.

But no one was more excited for this week than my friends and trusted warriors...

"Pizza week..."

"Pizza week..."

"Pizza week..."

"Pizza week..."

"Pizza week!"  The four turtles brothers sang as they jumped over the roof of a building, landing swiftly in poses.

"And... scene." Donnie then said with a grin, posing with Eva in his arms and Leo's.

Eva let out a giggle as she let the twins pose her as they like.

"Everybody, set your stomachs to 'I'm not stopping till I explode mode'." Raph exclaimed. "It's time we get out pizza on!" He double fist punched.

"Get ready for the delicious flavors and complex emotions of our first stop!" Mikey then gestured to himself. "And my personal favorite, Lou Mike Tony's Pizza!" He then spin around, pointing to said restaurant.

Suddenly, all of the sudden, the whole building collapse down, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this happen, the poor box shell turtle gasped in horror. "NOOOO!!!!" He cried, holding the side of his head in total shock.

Raph, along with rest, quickly peek over the edge to gaze down towards the now gone favorite restaurant. "Where'd it go?" The snappy turtle asked.

"Oh, I think it's closed." The red eared slider turtle suggested in pure boredom.

"My phone says it's open until ten." The softshell turtle mentions as he looks down at his techno wristband.

"H-how could this h-happen?" Eva asked as Mikey cling to her for some comfort.

"Who would do this?" Mikey cried in despair falling in his knees. "Why pizza supreme in the sky?" He said towards the sky as if he were to gain a reply any second. "Why do you test us like this?" Then he turns to his nun unhappy brothers after hearing only silence from them. "Why aren't you guys more upset?" He then asked the silent siblings with a glare.

At the same time all three boys began to mutter false sadness words and whines.

"Oh, man..." Raph muttered awkwardly with closed eyes then opened one nervously.

"What a tragedy..." Leo muttered avoiding meeting eye contact with his brother while holding his odachi.

"That just... Hurts me?" Donnie also muttered in a bored and uninterested tone, while being focused on his phone. "Uh, I'm really...sad." He nonchalantly mentioned.

"You didn't like Lou Mike Tony's?" The youngest growled with a pout towards his brothers.

In that, Donnie came up to him, dropping an arm around his slumped shoulders. "Yeah... I found a bug once and that's really it for me." He mentioned, much to Mikey's sobbing.

To help the poor boy to cheer up a bit, Eva reached over and offered a hug to which the sobbing turtle accepted and cling to her once again, having her pat his shell with confort.

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