11.- Mascot Melee

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"What’s the word?" Raph asked in thought. "Am I clear?"

Leo, who stood in the center of the Turtle Tank, looking through some periscope as he took a look out. "Looks bueno from here. You are go for Operation Let’s hope Raph comes back alive." He says.

"Stop calling me that." Raph voice spoke through the communication as the others hear him.

"A first ever exploratory in daylight." Donnie exclaims antuiasm. "They are gonna name sewer grates after you, pal." He grins.

Raph, hearing everything from his pair of earphones, sweat nervously within the hippo suits, walking on the busy yet filled streets of NY. "I fit right in with all the mascots. This hippo suit works great in Times Square." He stood in the center of town square as the Turtle Tank parked in a not too far alleyway, within the shadows.

"Totally." Mikey voice was heard through the radio as he leans back on his seat, hands resting behind his head as he side grin the older twin. "But for the record, I still think my trench coat idea would’ve worked." He shrugs.

Spotting the specific store that they were searching, Leo focused the periscope at the location. "There’s the store." He pointed out.

"Go get Splinter’s birthday gift. Our eyes depend on it." Mikey said in a begging tone, frowning in despair.


Splinter walks in the resting room as the four boys were in a middle of watching yet another film of Jupiter Jam. "Time for today’s training." He announced getting his son's attention. "It’s a little drafty." The rat says, scrating the lower part of his back, wearing a poorly worn out reddish robe, having some patches stitched onto it and the lower part of the robe was all torn off completely, literally showing his underwear in full sight.

The boys screamed in horror and disgust as they watches their father half naked. "Oh no!"

Mikey cries while covering his eyes, looking away. "My eyes!"

Donnie, who can't look away was gross out of the sight. "That mole is growing a mole." He pointed out

"We gotta get him a new robe." Leo suggested at the three immediately agreed.

Slplinter ignored the boys words, as he drops the wooden staf that he was holding. "Who’s up for jumping jacks?" He says before doing so.

Screams of the boys were then heard across the lair.

End of Flashback

"Steady as she goes." Leo spokes through the radio, indicating the eldest brother as Raph looks nervously his surrounding, trusting his brother's indication. "Old man on your right." The turtle avoided the elderly as he tries laying a touch in the human. "Kid on your right." He immediately flinched, almost bumping into the kid. "He’s got peanut butter ice cream." His eyes falls down on the infant hand, seeing an actual said cold sweet.

"Oh no your allergies." Donnie reminded him quickly, consern. "Evasive Maneuver! Evasive Maneuver!" He yells in the radio.

Raph did his best in avoiding getting a slight touch of the kid, especially on the cold sweetness. "Close. Oh man." The boy let out a relief sigh, marching away and stopped to look around with a proud grin. "This is crazy cool. First turtle to ever skate thought a crowd totally unnoticed and his name is Raph." He pointed a thumb to himself.

Within a small computer that was just next to Mikey as the screen turn on, taping on the screen. "Video text from April." Donnie says as he looks over the youngest shoulder.

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