17.- Unexpected Guest⚠️⚠️

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⚠️ Warning this chapter may contain violence, abuse, self harm, nude, blood and bad language ⚠️

⚠️You have been warned and you are reading by your own record ⚠️
Enjoy :p

Eva was calmly in relaxing in her department room, doing some late research for next week's homework, glancing back and forth on her laptop screen to note down the notes that her class president had sent her also with seeing a vid that was sent by her professor personally so she won't miss any tiny detail in their lesson today.

Eva also had a soft relaxing music sounding on the background by her small stadio, playing a two hour mix with only relaxing music to study from YouTube.

Suddenly, at the corner of her eye, Eva notices how her phone screen light up, seeing a small notification of an upcoming message from one of the brothers in a group chat that Mikey had made for everyone.


-Hi Mikey, what can I do for you?

-Oh just wanna know if you wanna come with Leo, April and I to a hunted marketplace?! :D

-.... I beg your pardon? 0_o

Leon Neon💙🐢
-its just a plain normal market but Mikey want to check it out saying that it's hunted by some ghost names gumbutt or whatevs -_-


O'Neil 😎👊
-Eva you gotta come with! It's gonna be epic! >°<

-uh... I don't know guys, I got some work to finish for the week

Leon Neon💙🐢
-oh come on, sweet cheeks so that you can see me rub in these two faces that Ghost. Aren't. Real! 7_7

-... Fine... give me a moment and I'll be there in a minute •~•

Eva let out a sigh, and looks down at her half finished work, well, she is always on time and early on finishing everything so she don't think that taking a short break would hurt anyone.

Fine, I'll go! She huffed and pushed away from her desk, getting up from her seat and makes her way to her closet to choose a change from her nightwear.

Fine, I'll go! She huffed and pushed away from her desk, getting up from her seat and makes her way to her closet to choose a change from her nightwear

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