Chapter 5 - Pine

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It had been a little over a week since I had given Landon his notebook and he still avoided me in English class. He avoided me in the halls, in the cafeteria, and even outside of school. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me when I saw him across the hall at his locker. I guess he was feeling embarrassed or mad that I had read his notebook or had suspicions that I had.

I noticed him hanging out with his friends more, the Holden Boys, after school. They would all leave in their loud sports cars and race off to their spot. An abandoned warehouse from what my mom had told me. They were starting to become notorious for causing havoc in town now. I heard the stories from Maggie and the people in the hallway about them getting into fights, doing underground racing with illegal car parts, and throwing huge parties. I guess the Holden Boys brought this wild side out of Landon the more they hung out.

I was standing outside of the school entrance looking at the school's parking lot, waiting for Maggie, when I see Landon talking to the Holden Boys next to their cars. I don't know where this inner courage came from but I start to make my way down the steps and head towards Landon and his friends. Once I get close to them, their laughter simmers down and they begin to whisper amongst each other while looking at me.

"Landon, can I talk to you?" I ask.

He was just giving me a stoic expression. I don't know if he was annoyed or just serious.

"Yo Landon, is this your new girl?" One of the Holden Boys asks with a chuckle. Both of the boys were brothers, upon a closer look I could tell they were fraternal twins. They share the same shade of green eyes and brown hair and chiseled facial features, but one had a crew cut while the other had slightly longer hair, very similar to Landon's. Their skin complexion also gave away their differences, the short haired twin was paler while the other one was slightly tanner. The short haired twin also had a scar above his eyebrow and his brother had a slightly crooked nose, perhaps from all those fights I hear about.

"She's not my girl," Landon says in an annoyed tone. "What do you want?" He asks me, this time his tone was a bit softer.

"Privately?" I ask looking between both brothers who were obviously trying to intimidate me as they stare at me like lions watching their prey.

Landon nods and follows me as we head to the edge of the parking lot where the track and field course was. "Are you mad at me?" I ask as I put my hands behind my back to hide the fact that I was nervous.

He looks away and sighs. I could see that he was very tense, his jaw was clenched and his fists were balled up. "You weren't supposed to see what was written in there," he says in a low voice. He felt humiliated that I discovered something I wasn't supposed to.

"I didn't mean to," I say, "Plus I kind of heard bits and pieces of it before."

He looks up at me in disbelief. "You have?"

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