Chapter 19 - Spring

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It was the second week of March now and the weather was getting warmer. The sun was bright and sunny but the air was still chilly. I was glad that the gloomy snowy days were over and we were now heading into Spring. Spring would then turn into break and we would dive straight into preparing for Prom and graduation. Finals were also another last hurdle to get through and I would be leaving Oregon for good.

I was finally on speaking terms with my mom and only because she asked if I was receiving any acceptance letters from schools. She was only curious to know if I was going to stay here or move to another state. My answer, no. I wasn't set on attending college when I was still trying to make sure my treatments wouldn't get expensive. The insurance covers a good amount, but not all, and my savings from the college fund was running out.

I didn't even know what I wanted to study so it would've been a waste for me if I went in undeclared, and took a bunch of classes that I didn't even have to take once I made my decision of the path I wanted to take. But I wasn't going to stay here either. I couldn't stand to stay in a town where everyone talks about you behind your back and then acts like they never did the next day. I don't think I can stand to stay in a place and see everyone everyday who decided not to leave.

Maggie was accepted into Portland State along with Eric. They already planned ahead their living situation and what classes they wanted to take together. Those two were inseparable now. Maggie had Eric wrapped around her finger and I never would have thought that those two would end up liking each other after witnessing them bicker like kids fighting over toys. I was happy for Maggie. But at the same time it felt like I was losing my only friend.

"Do you want to help me find a dress today?" Maggie asks next to me as she browses on a website filled with sparkly dresses.

"Sure, I just have to drop something off at the office that the hospital gave me before we go," I say as I pack my things into my bag.

"Alright I'll meet you outside," she says as she heads out towards the double doors.

I stop by the restroom first, taking advantage that there's no one in here and get to pee in peace after holding it in during all of history class. That teacher really knows how to keep going on with the lecture without giving us a break.

The door opening and giggling slipping through, made me pause to hear who had walked in. Then I hear Kenzie's annoying high pitched voice.

"God Candace is fucking annoying," she says with a groan. "I fucking hate running."

"What would you rather hear?" Sammy's voice echoes, "Candace bossing you around? Or Julie crying to you?" She laughs.

I move around quietly in the stall and watch them through the crack between the wall and the door. I really have to get out of these situations where I catch someone talking behind someone else's back in the bathrooms.

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