1. Hoodie || Marvelsepticeye

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Marvin dropped his book on his desk, a large cloud of dust exploding from the wooden surface. Marvin left the room, waving his arm behind him, a swirl of blue magic surrounding his hand for a brief moment, the door closing with a slam. The magician walked to the bedroom he shared with Jackie, reaching it after what felt like an eternity. He glanced into the closet upon entering the room, glaring into the thick darkness of the small room, moving his arm in a violent wave, slamming the closet door shut. He took a second, rethinking his decision, before slowly stepping over to the closet, opening the door carefully, as if something might jump out at him as the door opened. He turned the light on with a flick of his finger, ignoring everything else inside, instinctively reaching for the soft fabric of Jackie's red hoodie. Pulling it off the hanger with a gentle yank, Marvin retreated out of the closet, simultaneously turning off the light and gently shutting the door again with a small movement of his hand as he stared down at the slightly faded hoodie. Marvin pulled it on, his hair becoming messy in the process, and crawled onto his bed, curling into a ball and hugging himself tightly, hiding his face in his arms, breathing in the fading scent of his boyfriend. Tears pricked at his eyes, starting to flood down his cheeks as he began to sob.

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