15. Plants || Jameson Jackson

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Jameson bopped his head gently to the song playing in his head as he gently picked up a plant from its perch on his dresser. He held the small light gray pot it was in gingerly, as if he might drop it. A small light green succulent sat inside of the pot, surrounded by dirt and small gray pebbles that matched the pot. He carried it into the bathroom and grabbed a small cup, filling it with water and gently pouring the water around the small succulent. Bringing the cup and succulent back into his room, he set the pot back in its place, then watered a few more of his small succulents and plants that were scattered around his room. As he moved to water one of the larger ones, he noticed an odd color on one of the leaves. JJ kneeled down and set the cup on the floor, gently picking up the leaf in his hand, being careful not to pull it from the plant. A small red mark smeared the leaf, looking as if someone put a drop of red on the leaf and let gravity pull it down.

That's odd... JJ thought, examining some of the other leaves, noticing they all had some form of red on them, some had less, some more, but all had some on it.

Is this... blood? JJ thought, suddenly panicked.
Where was it coming from?
Another flash of red caught his eye, and he looked down, his eyes widening with fear as his heart dropped. His hands were stained with red, trickling down from somewhere on his arms, running down his skin and wrists, dripping off his fingers onto the floor, staining the carpet. A metallic scent filled his nose, invading his lungs. That was most definitely blood.
JJ's chest heaved up and down rapidly and he squeezed his eyes shut for a second, opening them again quickly.
The red was gone, and so was the smell. Gone so quickly it was like it was never there. It probably wasn't.
JJ stood, almost knocking over the cup of water in the process, tripping out the door in his haste to find Henrik, so quickly in fact, that he failed to notice the small smudge of blood on his plant's leaf.

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