24. Zombie || Chase Brody

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Chase stuffed his hands into his hoodie pocket, nervously looking around as he walked. He hated having to walk through the graveyard on the way back home, especially at night. The wind rustled through the dead branches, knocking them together as leaves skittered across the ground. He could almost hear the soil shifting under the grass.
Chase slowed. No, that was because he could hear the dirt shifting in the ground, cracking and rustling. It was coming from just behind him. Chase slowly turned around, his breath clouding in front of him with his quick breaths, his chest rapidly rising and falling.
A hand shot out of the ground and Chase screamed, falling backwards in his haste to get away. As the hand turned into an arm, then a shoulder, Chase desperately scrambled backwards, freezing when he felt his back bump into a cold, weather worn headstone, the smooth stone preventing him from moving back any further. The zombie was already half out, pulling itself out of the ground with slight difficulty. Finally it popped out and pushed itself to its feet, stumbling slightly. It was hard to tell in the lighting but it looked like it had purple hair, and was wearing a black and white striped shirt.
Chase couldn't move, frozen in fear as the zombie unsteadily walked towards him. Once it came within a few feet of Chase, it flopped on the ground, crossing its legs and tilted its head to look at Chase. It had bright purple eyes, matching its hair, that almost seemed to glow in the dark.
"W- what do you want?" Chase stammered, his voice high-pitched.
"You... ok?" The zombie said, his words slow and stumbled over, like he had forgotten how to talk.
Chase blinked, "Uh- w- what?"
The zombie slowly shook its head, smiling ever-so slightly.
"I'm... Robbie..." It said slowly.
"I'm... Chase?" Chase said hesitantly, pressing his back into the cool stone behind him.
"Friend?" Robbie asked.
Something about him reminded Chase of his kids when they were about three or four.
"I- Uh..." Chase didn't know how to answer.
"Friend," Robbie confirmed, nodding his head.

Maybe he wasn't a bad zombie? Chase thought, taking a slow breath.
"Friend," He said, standing and holding his hand out to Robbie, hoping this wasn't the stupidest fucking idea he had ever had.
Robbie looked up at Chase with wide, hopeful eyes. He reached up and gently took Chase's hand, his slightly cold skin sending a shiver up Chase's spine. He helped pull Robbie to his feet then glanced over the zombie.
"Uh... Don't... exactly know what to do with you, maybe Hen'll know," He said.
Robbie blinked up at him, slightly shorter than Chase.
"Ok, let's go, I guess," Chase said, starting to lead Robbie back to his house.

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