17. Path || Marvin the Magnificent

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Marvin hurried down the winding path that cut deep into the woods. Sticks and leaves littered the dirt path, cracking and crunching with Marvin's quick footsteps. Wind rustled through the trees, shaking leaves loose, sending them floating to the ground, adding to the already thick layer of dead leaves on the forest floor. A crack sounded from deep in the forest and Marvin froze, his heavy panting loud in the almost silent woods. His breath clouded in the cold air that made his lungs ache, turning his nose red. When no other sound was made, Marvin continued down the path, going at a slightly slower pace, his lungs burning in the cold October air. He heard a massive splash from up the path he was following and broke into a full out sprint, running as fast as he could towards the sound. He broke out of the woods into a massive clearing, almost stumbling in surprise at the immediate scene change. A perfectly round lake sat in the middle of the clearing about 500 feet away from the edge of the forest on every side. It was rippling with the force of whatever had caused the massive splash Marvin had heard a few seconds earlier.
Marvin ran to the edge of the lake, seeing nothing through the dark blue water. He hissed in frustration, pacing around the edge, fear churning in his stomach. His heart beat in his chest, threatening to rip itself out of his chest, both from running and from the fear and anxiety threatening to overtake him.
Marvin wanted to scream. But he was in the middle of the woods, so why not? He drew in a breath then screamed his lungs out, dropping to his knees as he wailed in agony, tears flooding out of his eyes, warming his cold cheeks.
Nothing was happening, no one was coming out of the lake. This wasn't supposed to happen.
"Screw it," Marvin muttered, stripping off his blue hoodie and plunging into the lake, conjuring a bubble around his head at the same time.
The instant shock of how cold the water was made Marvin gasp, before he shook it off, ignoring the numbing cold as he swam deeper into the lake. A flash of red caught his eye amongst all the dark colors of the lake and he turned, a cry escaping him as he found who he had come for.

(This is a continuation of Water, if you were confused)

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