25. Magic || Jackieboy Man and Marvin the Magnificent

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(Part two to Bury/Buried)

"What?? Jackie, no! What are you talking about?" Marvin cried, appalled.
"I- I think you're lying..." Jackie muttered, looking away from Marvin.
"I-" Marvin faltered, "You're not dead," He said firmly.
"Then why does it feel like I am?" Jackie whirled on Marvin, tears pricking his eyes.
"What do you mean?" Marvin whispered.
"I- I've been having... these dreams," Jackie said quietly, "They start normal, but they always go bad just before I wake up. Well, most of them start normal..." He said, the memory of being stuck underground playing in his mind.
"I'm always doing something relatively normal, and then you always call out to me, in trouble. I save you, you hug me, and then look up at me with black, bleeding eyes. Every. Night."
Marvin looked surprised, "W- what?"
"And just now, I had a dream I was buried, I saw my tombstone, Marvin," Jackie said, "So, am I dead, or just crazy?"
"Y- You..." Marvin looked like he was fighting an internal battle, "You're not crazy, I-"
"You what?" Jackie turned to Marvin, "Did you bring me back from the dead?" He asked, anger churning in his voice.
Marvin looked down, tears starting to drop off of his face onto the bed under him, "I had to... I couldn't live without you Jackie..." He said, his voice so quiet and full of pain that it felt like someone ripped Jackie's heart out.
"W- what...?"
"I'm so sorry Jackie..." Marvin sobbed, facing Jackie, tears pouring down his face.
"I had too, I had too, I had too..." He cried, as if he was trying to convince himself rather than Jackie.
"What happened to me?" Jackie asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I- I can show you..." Marvin muttered, lifting his hands, glowing blue with magic.
Jackie took a shaky breath, watching as Marvin gently placed his hands against Jackie's forehead. As the magic soaked into Jackie's head, he swayed, his eyes fluttering closed before he gently fell backwards, unconscious.
Marvin dropped the magic from his hands with a flick, wiping his eyes.
"I'm so sorry Jackie, but you can't know..." He whispered, gently kissing Jackie on the forehead.

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