29. Ghost || Jameson Jackson

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JJ felt like he was floating. He opened his eyes, bright light burning his eyes. He blinked, and the pain faded, but the light stayed weirdly bright. He still felt like he was floating, so he looked down. He gasped quietly, fear pushing its way into his chest. He was a few inches off of the ground, gently bobbing up and down. He could see the floor through his legs. They were a light, transparent blue. He lifted his hands to his face and cringed, seeing they were the same as his legs.

Am I... a ghost?
He didn't know how he died, it wasn't like his body was in the room with him... Was it?
JJ turned awkwardly, uncomfortable with the fact that he still wasn't touching the ground. There, a few feet away from him, was a body. His body.
JJ gently floated over to it, slightly surprised at how natural it felt to move. His body was laying on its back, eyes open and glazed over. They still showed the horror he had felt when he died. There was a large slit across his neck, the blood that had poured out of his throat was dried now, in a puddle that surrounded his head, a line of dark red leading out of the cut and onto the floor.
JJ nervously floated back, his stomach aching with fear. He took one last glance at his body then shot out of the room, going through the closed door. He ended up in the upstairs hall of the Septic House, a few feet from the stairs. He turned and looked at the door he had just come through. A sign hung on the door, messy black letters painted on, reading 'Fuck off'.
JJ's eyes widened. He didn't realize it while he was inside, but he has been in Anti's room. His body was in Anti's room.

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