6. Doctor || Antisepticeye

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"Just one last test, Antisepticeye," The doctor grinned, his glowing white teeth shining in the dim lighting, his eyes hidden in shadow.

Anti growled, trying to yank his arms out of the grasps of the other two doctors who held him in place.
The first doctor slowly slid a syringe out of his pocket, clear liquid filling it. He started walking to Anti.

"D̴͈̝̭̱͐́̒͆̚͜o̴̤͕͎̘͎̊͊̉̕ņ̴̼̞̝̟̆'̶̰͇̞̍̉̐̔͠t̴̥̠͎͊́͘ ̷̺̺̽͛̈́f̵̦̍̈́̾́̎u̸̘͉̼̬͗͛̄͗͌͜ç̴̱̜̖͑̅͝k̴̖̿͂̑͋í̸̛͈̟̻̫͠n̸̦͉̹̟̿͑͒̏̿͜g̶̣̼̓͛͗ ̵̨̰̭͕͔͗̋͂͝t̴̟͙̃̑o̶̻̬̐u̸͇̇̈́c̵͈̤̪̓̆̀̈h̵̭̤̩͎͘ ̶̝̭̺͂̑m̴̠̹̣̩̒̑̈́͠ę̵̢̞̜͐̌͐!̴͎̺̗̅̿ͅ" Anti hissed, struggling against the others.

The doctor laughed, a high ringing sound, the laugh of a mentally unstable person, as he advanced on the glitch.
He grabbed Anti's bright green hair and yanked his head to the side, Anti bit his lip to prevent himself from yelping in pain. He felt the tip of the needle against his skin, the sharp metal point poking into his neck. The doctor slowly pushed it in and Anti bit his lip harder, a small whimper escaping from his throat. God, he hated needles.

The doctor pulled the needle out, Anti glitching like crazy. The second the doctor stepped away, Anti started pulling against the other two, who had still failed to say anything. It was like they were puppets or something.
His head started to grow heavy and his glitching slowed as his head fell forward, finding it harder to keep his eyes open.

"We promise we won't do anything too bad," The doctor said, his grin being the last thing Anti saw before he went unconscious.

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