9. Shatter || Marvin the Magnificent

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Marvin screamed, throwing a glass as hard as he could. It shattered against the wall on impact, tiny shards of glass exploding across the room. Now the glass was just as shattered as him. A sob escaped from Marvin and he sank to the floor. He summoned a bit of magic, blue swirling around his fingertips as he gathered up the shards of glass and brought them together, reforming the glass. He floated it over to himself and grabbed it out of the air. Marvin turned the glass around in his hands, gripping the cold surface, before throwing it as hard as he could again, watching as it exploded into sharp pieces that scattered around the floor.
Marvin fell forward, curling into a ball as he sobbed, uncontrollable despair taking hold of his body. He could feel his shattered heart beating in his chest, just as broken as the glass that sprinkled the floor.  

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