12. Metal || Antisepticeye

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Anti stepped out into the pitch black hall, reaching his hands out until his fingertips brushed a wall, so cold it made him hiss through his teeth.
He started walking. Aimlessly, in a random direction, dragging his fingers along the smooth metal wall. He didn't know where he was going, but that didn't matter. He didn't care. All that mattered was getting out of this place, whatever and wherever this place was.
His eyes adjusted after a while, not that it mattered, because the hall was so endless seeming that maybe it was better before, when he couldn't see how long this cold metal hallway was. His breath clouded in front of him, swirling in the still, sterile smelling air.
Wait, not quite sterile, there was something else. Just behind the thick smell of bleach and alcohol was another scent. Something metallic.
Anti scrunched up his nose but continued walking, his fingers beginning to numb from the frigid wall. Why was it so cold?
The metallic scent grew as he walked, soon overpowering the cleaning materials, the only thing that slid into his nose, filling his lungs.
His feet, which he had not noticed were bare until this moment, started sticking to the floor, a thin layer of cold, sticky liquid covering the floor like a mirror, so dark that it reflected its surroundings, warping it slightly.
Oh. So that was what he was smelling. Blood. And a lot of it at that. He had to get out.

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